1955 in radio

1955 in radio

The year 1955 saw a number of significant events in radio broadcasting.__TOC__


*2 May - Opening at Wrotham, Kent, of the United Kingdom's first VHF/FM transmitters.
*22 September – The character Grace Archer dies in the BBC radio serial "The Archers", a spoiler for the launch of ITV on the same day.
*17 November – Creation of the Communauté des radios publiques de langue française (CRPLF) - an association of the French-language public broadcasters of France, Switzerland, Belgium, and Canada, later to become, in 2002, les Radios francophones publiques (RFP).


* June 12 – "Monitor" debuts on NBC Radio.


*March 10 – "The Silver Eagle" broadcasts its last episode.
*March 23 – "The Big Story" ends its run on NBC.
*May 22 – "The Jack Benny Program" airs its last radio episode and moves solely to television.
*June 7Lux Radio Theater ends its run on CBS.


*February 10 - Jim Cramer, American television personality, former hedge fund manager and best-selling author.
*February 23 - Tom Bodett, American author, voice actor, radio host and current spokesman for the hotel chain Motel 6.
*October 4 - Dale Connelly, co-host (with Tom Keith, a.k.a. Jim Ed Poole) of "The Morning Show" on Minnesota Public Radio.


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