Darkover series — The Darkover series consists of several novels and short stories set in the fictional world of Darkover as created by science fiction author Marion Zimmer Bradley. Contents 1 Darkover chronology 1.1 The Founding 1.2 The Ages of Chaos … Wikipedia
Darkover — The above illustration shows Darkover as the planet on the left with its four moons: Liriel, Kyrrdis, Idriel and Mormallor. In the background is a representation of the Cottman red giant star. Darkover is the focus of the Darkover series of… … Wikipedia
Lists of books — This is a list of lists of books in Wikipedia:General lists*List of anonymously published works *List of books by year of publication *List of books by genre or type *List of controversially debated non fiction books *List of banned books *List… … Wikipedia
List of Ace double novels — Ace Books began publishing genre fiction starting in 1952. Initially these were mostly in the attractive dos à dosfact|date=July 2008 | dos à dos or tête bêche? format, but they also published a few single volumes, in the early years, and that… … Wikipedia
List of Ace titles in numeric series — In January 1969, Ace Books switched from a letter series code for its books to a numeric series. The number does not indicate sequence of publication, unlike the number in the letter series codes; instead it identifies the alphabetic position of… … Wikipedia
List of fantasy authors — This partial list of fantasy authors, perhaps unsurprisingly, contains many overlaps with the list of science fiction authors. will eventually be more complete than this list. NOTOC A *Lynn Abbey (born 1948) *Joe Abercrombie *Daniel Abraham… … Wikipedia
List of Ace SF double titles — Ace Books published 224 science fiction Ace doubles between 1952 and 1973 in dos a dos format, and a further 40 between 1974 and 1978 in a more traditional format in which the two books are both the same way up.Genres and CollectabilityAce… … Wikipedia
List of Ace single volumes — Ace Books began publishing genre fiction in 1952. Initially these were mostly in the attractive dos à dos format, but they also published a few single volumes, in the early years, and that number grew until the doubles stopped appearing in about… … Wikipedia
List of fictional planets by medium — This is a list of fictional planets organized by the medium in which they primarily appear.Novels and short stories =Adams, Douglas= *Brontitall The Hitchhiker s Guide to the Galaxy (radio series); planet of bird people who live in the ear of a… … Wikipedia
List of Ace SF numeric-series single titles — Ace Books have published hundreds of science fiction titles, starting in 1953. Many of these were Ace Doubles (dos à dos format), but they also published many single volumes. Between 1953 and 1968, the books had a letter series identifier; after… … Wikipedia