- Folkbildning
Folkbildning is a name given to an approach to
Community Education inScandinavia , particularly inSweden . Because of its uniquely Scandinavian elements, many proponents of the folkbildning approach to education resist attempts to invent an English word or phrase to embrace it. Some have even coined a quasi-English form of folkbuilding.Folkbildning as an idea developed within the
democratisation processes that began in the late 19th century. Education in the folkbildning style is often highly democratic, informal and locally based. (Hektor, 2005)Folkbildning encourages
education which is driven by the needs of the learners and where the teacher takes more of a role of facilitator or moderator. So-called study circles are often part of the process. Because of its democratic style, folkbildning is always voluntary (Rubenson, 1995) and traditional ideas of marking or grading do not typically have a good fit in thepedagogy .Nordberg (1998) notes that in the 20th century radio groups or circles developed using the folkbildning approach.
There are similarities between folkbildning and other approaches to Community Education. However, some argue that it may not be possible to fully embrace the folkbildning pedagogy without the experiences that Swedes and other Scandinavians have as their cultural and historical background (Hektor, 2005).
*Hektor, S (2005) "A "Folkbildning" Approach in Media Training" in Journal of the International Communication Training Institute [http://www.icti.org.uk/journal/vol4_2005/hektor.pdf]
*Norberg, K (1998) "Folkhemmets röst - Radion som folkbidare 1925-1950". Stockholm: Brutus Östlings Bokförlag Symposium
*Rubenson, K (1995) "Vad är folkbildning" in Folkbildningens innebörder. Linköping: Mimer.Links
Swedish Council of Adult Education [http://www.folkbildning.se/page/492/english.htm]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.