Fungus (XM)

Fungus (XM)

Infobox Radio Station
name = Fungus 53

area = United States
airdate = 2004
frequency = XM 53
branding = xL Fungus
format = Punk rock/Hardcore/Ska
owner = XM Satellite Radio
class = Satellite Radio Station
website = []

Fungus, branded on air as Fungus 53, is a punk/hardcore/ska radio station on XM Satellite Radio, launched in early 2004. The channel is one of nine on XM that is marked with an xL, indicating frequent explicit language. The channel is programmed by Lou Brutus, who is also host of the nationally syndicated radio show, "Harddrive", and former program director of Special X. Lou and Russ Brown are the two DJs on the channel. It's one of the few XM music channels not available on DirecTV.


*Rancid Radio - A weekly, hourly show hosted by the members of the group Rancid.
*Kingdom of Swine - Currently Fungus' longest show, Kingdom of Swine dedicates three whole hours to industrial music.
*Oi!sters - Two hours a week dedicated to Oi!.
*Complete Control Radio - Joe Sib hosts a weekly radio show, where he picks the tracks from his punk library at his Los Angeles studio.
*Hee-Haw Hell - Airtime devoted to rockabilly and cowpunk music, some of which is also heard on XM sister channel X Country.
*Duped - A show devoted to punk and ska covers.
*Slam-a-lot - Hardcore music for a whole hour.
*Skanorreha - An entire show of ska, which mixes in several older songs from the 1990s and 1980s that are not usually rotated into the channel's daytime playlist.
*Kowabunga Uber Alles - A weekly show devoted to surf music.

In Popular Culture

The station was the subject of the first half of the Fungus/I'm a Really Huge Fan of Bad Religion song from one of NOFX's 7" of the month club program. Fat Mike expresses his thoughts on the station, mentioning that "I hate the radio but I like Fungus/The only punk rock station, it's humongous".

AC/DC Radio

Between 2008-09-15 and 2009-01-15, the channel features the music of Australian band AC/DC 24/7, temporarily preempting normal programming on the channel. [cite press release |title='AC/DC Radio' to Air on XM Radio |publisher=PR Newswire |accessdate=2008-09-15 |date=2008-09-09 |url=] This is first single artist mirco-channel that is preempting channels on both the XM and Sirius platform. Punk on the Sirius platform is being preempted as well.


External links

* [ Fungus 53 official site]
* [ 53 Fungus' official MySpace]
* [ Petition to save Fungus 53]

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  • fungus — fúngus s. n. Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic  FÚNGUS s.n. v. fongus. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: Neoficial  FÚNGUS s. n. 1. clasă de organisme vegetale inferioare fără clorofilă, din care fac parte… …   Dicționar Român

  • fungus — has the plural form fungi, pronounced fung giy or fun jiy, although funguses is sometimes used, especially to mean ‘types of fungus’. The adjectival forms are fungal and fungous, and fungus itself is sometimes used attributively (before a noun,… …   Modern English usage

  • fungus — [fuŋ′gəs] n. pl. fungi [fun′jī΄, fuŋ′gī΄] or funguses [L, a mushroom, fungus < Gr dial. (Attic) sphongos, var. of Gr spongos, SPONGE] 1. any of a large division (Eumycota) of thallophytes, including molds, mildews, mushrooms, rusts, and smuts …   English World dictionary

  • Fungus — ist: die Einzahl des lateinischen Fungi . ( Fungus =Pilz; Fungi =Pilze) eine Felseninsel westlich des maltesischen Gozo: (Fungus Rock) Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsk …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • fungus — 1520s, from L. fungus a mushroom, in English as a learned alternative to mushroom. (Funge was used in this sense late 14c.) The Latin word is believed to be cognate with (or derived from) Gk. sphongos, the Attic form of spongos sponge (see SPONGE …   Etymology dictionary

  • fungus — fùngus m DEFINICIJA 1. bot., v. gljive 2. pat. a. izraslina u tijelu nalik na gljivu b. poseban oblik tuberkuloze zglobova, s bujanjem upalnog tkiva u zglobnoj čahuri ETIMOLOGIJA lat. fungus …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Fungus — Fun gus, n.; pl. L. {Fungi}, E. {Funguses}. [L., a mushroom; perh. akin to a doubtful Gr. ? sponge, for ?; if so, cf. E. sponge.] 1. (Bot.) Any one of the {Fungi}, a large and very complex group of thallophytes of low organization, the molds,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Fungus — (lat.), 1) Pilz, s. Fungi, z.B. F. chirurgorum, so v.w. Bovist; F. melitensis, s. Cynomorium coccineum; F. salĭcis, s. Weidenschwamm; F. sambūci, s. Hollunderschwamm; 2) Auswuchs durch Insectenstich, wie F. bedeguar, s. Bedeguar; 3) (Med),… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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  • Fungus — Fungus, der botan. Namen für die Familie der Pilze oder Schwämme (vergl. diese Art. und Agaricus); fungös, schwammartig …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

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