- Frank Kelly
Frank Kelly (born
28 December 1938 ) is an Irish actor whose career has spannedradio , TV,theatre ,music , writing and films.Career
He has played a wide variety of roles in Irish theatre over many years, and he has toured extensively in the U.S. and
Canada .Movies
His first ever role in
film ortelevision was as an uncredited prisoner in the classic film "The Italian Job " (1969), oppositeNoel Coward as 'Mr Bridger'.He appeared in the film
Taffin in 1982.He appeared in the film "Rat" in 2000, and also in the short film, "
Yu Ming Is Ainm Dom ", in 2003.Television
He starred in the popular RTÉ children's programme "
Wanderly Wagon " alongsideEugene Lambert and Nora O'Mahoney from 1968-1982, playing a number of different characters and writing many of the scripts.Kelly's work on "
Hall's Pictorial Weekly " (1970-1982) established him as one ofIreland 's most recognisable faces.In the early 1980's he featured in the RTÉ TV show for Learning Irish
Anois is Aris at the end of the programme speaking in a telephone, gradually putting in phrases in Irish. [ [http://eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/custom/portlets/recordDetails/detailmini.jsp?_nfpb=true&_&ERICExtSearch_SearchValue_0=ED232437&ERICExtSearch_SearchType_0=no&accno=ED232437 Learning Irish with "Anois is Aris." CLCS Occasional Paper No. 6, Winter 1982-3. A Report on the Background, Attitudes, Expectations, and Learning Experience of a Volunteer Group of Course Participants.] ]In 2007 he acted in the
TG4 political drama "Running Mate", about an election campaign. [ [http://www.iftn.ie/whoswho/Producers/whoswhosub/filmproducers/?act1=record&only=1&aid=73&rid=4279794&tpl=archnews&force=1 October Start For TG4’s ‘Running Mate’ IFTN, 25 Sep 2006] ] He also appears in the TG4 series Paddywhackery.He does regular voice-overs and TV advertising work, and recently appeared with Mr Tayto in the recent popular campaign for Tayto crisps.
Father Ted
Despite his varied career, he is perhaps best known for playing
Father Jack Hackett (an old and somewhat perverse priest who usually only says "drink!" "feck!" "arse!" and "girls!") in the comedy series "Father Ted ", which aired originally in theUnited Kingdom in April 1995 and ran through until May 1998. For his role in "Father Ted ", he is said to have worncontact lens es (to showFather Jack 's blank eye), and he said that people would not talk to him if he was in hisFather Jack make-up.inging
He released a single, Christmas Countdown, based on the "12 days of Christmas" carol, which reached number 8 in the
Irish Singles Chart in 1982 and peaked at 38 in the UK Independent Singles Charts in 1984, and an album, "Comedy Countdown", which featured a sketch taken from his radio show, "The Glen Abbey Show". The show which was on RTÉ during the 1970s came on at 2.30 pm each weekday.Radio Comedy
Many of his popular radio sketches started with the sound of him putting coins in an old phone coin box, and when the phone rang and was answered, his words were, "Hello! Guess who? Is that you Nuala?" Kelly would act the part of an English
BBC reporter interviewing rural inhabitants about local customs, such as watching bacon being sliced, or "ha-hooing" (shouting aRebel yell ) competitions. Typically the village was called Ballykilferret and described by the BBC man as being in "the Republic of Eer-ah" (a mispronunciation of Eire, designed to annoy purists). A compilation of his sketches was released on a CD in about 2000.Tracks included the Ayatollah Ceili Band, Magnum Farce, Incoming Call, Festive Spirit, Hymn Of Praise, Call Of The Wild, Festive Note and Siege Mentality.
Kelly's won a
Jacob's Award in 1974 for his work on "Hall's Pictorial Weekly ".External links
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.