Bray, Anna Eliza — (1790 1883) Novelist, dau. of Mr. J. Kempe, was married first to C.A. Stothard, s. of the famous R.A., and himself an artist, and secondly to the Rev. E.A. Bray. She wrote about a dozen novels, chiefly historical, and The Borders of the Tamar… … Short biographical dictionary of English literature
Bray (Begriffsklärung) — Bray heißen folgende Orte und Verwaltungseinheiten: Bray, Stadt im County Wicklow in Irland Bray (Eure), Gemeinde im Département Eure in Frankreich Bray (Saône et Loire), Gemeinde im Département Saône et Loire in Frankreich Bray (Berkshire),… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bray (surname) — Bray is a surname, and may refer to* Alan Bray, British historian * Anna Eliza Bray, British novelist * Angie Bray, British politician * Billy Bray, British preacher * Chrissy Bray, Australian musician * Deanne Bray, American actress * Hiawatha… … Wikipedia
Bray [4] — Bray (spr. brǟ), 1) Franz Gabriel, Graf von, bayr. Staatsmann, geb. 25. Dez. 1765 in Rouen, gest. 3. Sept. 1832 auf dem Gut Irlbach bei Straubing, kam als französischer Legationssekretär nach Regensburg, trat hier in den bayrischen Staatsdienst,… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Bray [2] — Bray (spr. breh), Anna Eliza, geborene Kempe, engl. Schriftstellerin, geb. 25. Dez. 1790 in Newington, gest. 21. Jan. 1883 in London; schrieb geschichtliche Romane … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Bray [2] — Bray (Breh), Anna Eliza, engl. Touristin u. Romanschriftstellerin, Gemahlin des Archäologen Ch. Stothard, bewegt sich vorzüglich in mittelalterlichen Darstellungen. Ihre Werke sind verdeutscht von Bärmann und Bruckbräu … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
Charles Alfred Stothard — (July 5, 1786 May 27, 1821) was an antiquarian draughtsman. Stothard was born in London, the son of the painter, Thomas Stothard. After studying in the schools of the Royal Academy, he began, in 1810, his first historical picture, the Death of… … Wikipedia
1883 in literature — The year 1883 in literature involved some significant new books.Events*The Modern Language Association formsNew books*Mary Elizabeth Braddon Phantom Fortune *Rhoda Broughton Belinda *Wilkie Collins Heart and Science *Jonas Lie Familien paa Gilje… … Wikipedia
1828 in literature — The year 1828 in literature involved some significant events and new books.Events* The first volume of John James Audubon s 10 volume The Birds of America is published. * Noah Webster publishes his 70,000 word American Dictionary of the English… … Wikipedia
The White Hoods — The White Hoods: an Historical Romance is a historical novel by Anna Eliza Bray first published in 1828 in London.External links* [ Synopsis of the novel] … Wikipedia