

Supla (Eduardo Smith de Vasconcellos Suplicy) is a Brazilian musician born April 2, 1966 in the city of São Paulo.

He started his career playing classic rock covers, but the style of his compositions gear more towards punk, hardcore and most recently bossa novaFact|date=June 2007. He has sung in many bands throughout his career, starting out with Metropolis, then Zig Zag (which later became Tokyo), then Mad Parade (which later became Psycho 69). He also played together with Nina Hagen. Supla has been singing cover songs together with the punk Brazilian band Holy Tree.

He is the son of Marta Suplicy (former Mayor of São Paulo) and Senator Eduardo Suplicy. Supla was also part of the winning team on the 2005 Rockgol soccer championship.

Supla’s discography consists of ten albums, three of which are performed in English. “Supla Só Na Loucura” (bio-doc DVD) is in English and features performances in both English and Portuguese.

Recently, Supla returned to São Paulo from Zurich, Switzerland (Caliente Festival), London, England (MTV Europe) and Los Angeles, California (private shows/recording) where he was promoting his latest CD release, Vicious (Dec/2006).

His current style of music can be described as high octane Bossa Nova (i.e. “The Girl from Last-Night’s-Mosh-Pit”).

So well known in Brazil, he now experiences minor scandals from overeager fans posing as him not just online, but also on radio shows. One imposter has gone so far as to coin a one-off moniker.

DISCOLOGY (through 2006):Tokyo - Humanos (1986)Tokyo - O outro lado (1988)Supla - I like Sex (1989)Supla - Encoleirado (1991)Psycho 69 (1995)Charada Brasileiro (2000)Político e Pirata (2002)Bossa Furiosa (2003)Menina Mulher (2004)Supla Só Na Loucura (DVD) (2005)Vicious (2006)

OTHER CAREER FACTS: As an actor, Supla has participated in numerous films, TV shows, and soap operas. He has also recorded and performed live with many of Brazil’s most important musicians: Rita Lee (Mutantes), Bebel Gilberto, C.S.S., Max Cavalera, Roger (Ultraje a Rigor), I.R.A., Cauby Peixoto, to name a few. He also known for his performances with Nina Hagen and Ian McCulloch from Echo & The Bunnymen.

In an ironic twist, Supla went from being a celebrity that was interviewed by the biggest TV shows in Brazil (Jo Soares, Faustão, Serginho Groisman, Luciano Huck), to turning the television camera and microphone on Brazil’s culture.

In April 2007, he began taping his TV Show, "O Rei da Mídia" (The King of Media) for the national channel, S.B.T. Supla now spends part of his time interviewing musicians, politicians, soccer players and celebrities.

On May 15th, 2007, Supla (as sole curator) opened the exposition “ROCKERS” in F.A.A.P. (National Gallery). Photographer Bob Gruen showed 290 pictures from his amazing portfolio of Rock Gods exposed in their private and public moments of history. The show was a major success, both with the daily capacity audiences and the critics.

TV SHOWS:Familia (MTV)Vídeos La Em Casa Com Supla (MTV)Casa Dos Artistas (SBT)Informer - H do Huck (BAND)Viva A Noite - The King Of Midia (SBT)

MOVIES:O Poeta Da VilaSua Excelência O CandidatoRock EstrelaNas Duas Almas (Curta)A Agenda (Curta)Uma Escola AtrapalhadaO Segredo Dos GolfinhosViva Voz

SOAP OPERAS:Sex Appeal (GLOBO)O Anjo Caiu do Céu (GLOBO)Celebridades (GLOBO)

EARLY HISTORYSupla started his music career at 13 years old, playing drums for "Os Impossiveis" (The Impossibles). The band was his earliest chance to express the influences of The Beatles, The Stones and Bowie. Later, he joined the band "Metropolis," also as a drummer.

When he wasn’t making loud music, Supla spent his time surfing, skateboarding, footballing (playing soccer) along with riding horses and motorcycles. The pursuit of these passions still drives his musical creativity to this day.

At 17, Supla took on the challenge of being a lead singer when he formed a band called "Zigue-Zague." It was with this band that he cut his vocal teeth by doing covers of songs that made a crowd’s blood pump. The move from behind a drum set to singing as a front man allowed him to connect to the audience in ways that drove him to go beyond cover songs. He turned head bobbing and pogoing audiences into swirling skanking hurricanes centered by churning pits of slam dancers.

To clearly mark the complete move from covers, the band changed the name to "Tokyo," and started writing material with a heavy punk influence. Tokyo lasted for three years, two international tours, and released two studio albums for C.B.S. records. When the band grenaded, Supla had no alternative but to go solo.

Supla went on to release seven solo-albums that have been well received, both commercially and critically. During a stay in New York City in 1995, he formed the band "Psycho 69," which spawned the release of one album.

In 2005, he released “Supla Só Na Loucura” as a DVD that includes a long form biographical documentary, a live show from the tour for the album “Menina Mulher,” and other extras.


* "Humanos" (with Tokyo)
* "O Outro Lado" (with Tokyo)
* "Motocicleta Endiabrada"
* "Encoleirado"
* "Psycho 69" (with Psycho 69)
* "O Charada Brasileiro"
* "Político e Pirata"
* "Bossa Furiosa"
* "Menina Mulher"
* "Vicious"

External links

* [ MySpace page]

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