Tactical Intelligence

Tactical Intelligence

Tactical intelligence is military intelligence that is the land, air and seaborne collection of multi-spectral information needed by commanders in order to anticipate what can happen on an ever-changing battlefield. This type of information must be timely in order to be useful, any mistaken assessment of a given situation can result ultimately in the loss of life.

Types of Tactical Intelligence

Combat Intelligence

This comes from deployed units in general. Military personnel are trained to report on number of enemy, vehicles, and weapons. More experienced personnel will add items such as new equipment, new tactics, captured maps and documents. The immediate commander reports to his S2, knowing that it will reach higher levels.

Tactical Assets

These are units composed of personnel and equipment devoted towards the formalized collection of intelligence. Intelligence is a resource that is deployed in order to maximize collection.

Reporting of Intelligence

This flood of information has formalized channels, and is bi-directional. Before an encounter, tactical units receive the latest information on their enemy. Before a Commander commits his units,all available information is geared towards a complete overview of the potential battlefield.

Intelligence Assessment

At the general staff, the G2's staff collects information from tactical and collection units.This is where analysts make use of all of this information and produce the actual intelligence thatis reported.

ee also

Military intelligence

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