
Origin Japan
Genres Acoustic music, instrumental music
Years active 2002 - present
Labels Sony Music
Website Official site
Miura "Depa" Takuya
Tokuoka "Pepe" Yoshinari

Depapepe (デパペペ), is a music group originating from Japan. The acoustic guitar duo is composed of Miura Takuya (born 5 April 1983) and Tokuoka Yoshinari (born on 15 July 1977), who formed in 2002.

They made their major debut in 2005 with their albumLets Go!!!”, which generated sales figures of about 100,000 and ranked within the top 10 of Oricons Instrumental Artist Debut Chart. Before that, they had released three indie albums.

The name itself comes from the combination of both short names of the band members, by combining the Japanese word for overbite, ‘deppa’, and the name of Takuokas previous bandDERUPEPE’. Contrary to a popular rumour circulating among their fans, the two guitarists are not brothers. In their 2002 formation the pair joined with the Sony Music. They also worked on some guitar pieces for the "Honey and Clover" anime series.



  • Miura Takuya (三浦拓也) - Depa (Born: Kobe, 5 April 1983)
  • Tokuoka Yoshinari (徳岡慶也) - Pepe (Born: Kobe, 15 July 1977)



  • ACOUSTIC FRIENDS (5 February 2004)
    1. Hi-D!!
    2. La tanta
    3. 真夜中の怪盗 Thief of Midnight
    4. 水面に浮かぶ金魚鉢 Goldfish Bowl Floating on the Water
    5. Wind
    6. いつかみた道 The Road Seen Someday
    7. 木漏れ陽の中で In the Sunshine Shining Through the Trees
    8. THIS WAY
  • Sky! Sky! Sky! (15 July 2004)
    1. Sky! Sky! Sky!
    2. Sabamba
    3. さざなみ Ripple
    4. TIME
    5. 微風 Breeze
  • PASSION OF GRADATION (2 December 2004)
    1. 激情メランコリック Passion Melancholic
    2. DUNK
    3. FRIENDS
    4. Snow Dance
    5. ありがとうThank You.
    6. Fun Time


  • SUMMER PARADE (20 July 2005)
    2. B.B.D
    3. オールド・ビーチ Old Beach
    4. 星の数だけ願いは届く Reach Many Wishes as the Number of the Stars
  • Spur - WINTER VERSION'05/Swingin' Happy X'mas (シュプール -WINTER VERSION'05/Swingin' Happy X'mas) (30 November 2005)
    1. Spur - WINTER VERSION'05 (シュプール -WINTER VERSION '05)
    2. Swingin' Happy X'mas
  • Lahaina (ラハイナ) (15 March 2006)
    1. ラハイナ Lahaina
    2. きっとまたいつか Surely Some Other Day
    3. JAC(K) IN THE BOX
  • Night & Day - Depapepe meets Honey and Clover (ハチミツとクローバー) (11 October 2006)
    1. Night & Day
    2. パステル通り Pastel Street
    3. ハチロク Hachiroku
    4. 光ノサキへ Beyond the Light
  • Sakura Kaze (桜風) (21 February 2007)
    1. 桜風 Sakura Wind
    2. DAYS
    3. Happy Shine
  • KATANA (22 April 2009)
    1. KATANA
    2. KATANA staging Diggy-MO'
    3. HighRock!!
    4. 雨音 Rain Sound

Mini Album

  • HiMode!! (19 October 2005)
    1. 哀愁バイオレット Sorrow Violet
    2. 夕焼けサイクリング Sunset Cycling
    3. Harvest
    4. Tiger
    5. 半月 Half Moon
    6. シュプール Ski Trace
    7. Morning Smile


  • Let's Go!!! (18 May 2005)
    1. Hi-D!!!
    2. START
    3. Wake Up!
    4. MTMM
    5. バタフライ Butterfly
    6. 風見鶏 Weathercock
    7. 時計じかけのカーニバル Clockwork Carnival
    8. 雨上がり After the Rain
    9. Wedding Bell
    10. Over the Sea
    11. いい日だったねIt was a Good Day.
    12. FLOW
  • Ciao! Bravo!! (19 April 2006)
    1. キミドリ Yellow-green
    2. ラハイナ Lahaina
    3. Judgement
    5. 寝待ちの月 Moon's Bedtime Waiting
    6. さくら舞う Sakura Dancing
    7. 伯爵の恋 Count's Love
    8. 青春カムバック Youth Comeback
    9. きっとまたいつか (album version) Surely Some Other Day
    10. ブラボー・マーチ Bravo March
    12. T.M.G.
    13. ラハイナ (mahalo version)
  • BEGINNING OF THE ROADcollection of early songs (25 April 2007)
    1. '07 ver. Wind
    2. La tanta cha cha cha ver.
    3. Sky! Sky! Sky! '07 ver.
    4. さざなみ splash ver. Ripple
    5. 木漏れ陽の中で brilliant ver. In the Sunshine Shining Through the Trees
    6. 真夜中の怪盗 失われた秘宝の謎 Thief of Midnight Mystery of the Lost Treasures
    7. 激情メランコリック 情熱MIX Passion Melancholic Passion MIX
    8. いつかみた道 '07 ver. The Road Seen Someday
    9. DUNK studio session
    10. Snow Dance winter session
    11. THIS WAY B.O.R. ver.
    12. ありがとうfor you ver. Thank you.
  • デパクラ (DEPACLA) DEPAPEPE PLAYS THE CLASSICS (28 November 2007)
    1. パッヘルベルのカノン Pachelbel's Canon in D
    2. 2声のインヴェンション第4番 Bach's Invention No.4
    3. G線上のアリア Bach's Air on G String
    4. ピアノソナタ第8番 ハ短調 作品13悲愴第2楽章 Beethovens Piano Sonata No. 8 in C minor, op. 13Pathetique
    5. ジムノぺディ第1番 Satie's Gymnopedie No.1
    6. ボレロ Ravel's Bolero
  • HOP! SKIP! JUMP! (2 April 2008)
    1. FESTA!!
    2. Ready! GO!!
    3. Great Escape
    4. 禁じられた恋 Forbidden Love
    5. Horizon
    6. 旅の空からThe Journey from the Sky,
    7. Marine Drive
    8. ROSY
    9. a ボトム A Bottom
    10. VIVA! JUMP!
    11. GIGIO²
    12. 桜風 Sakura Wind
  • デパナツ (DEPANATSU) ~drive!drive!!drive!!!~ (30 July 2008)
    1. ラハイナCW versionLahaina
    2. Sky! Sky! Sky!
    3. Over the Sea
    4. FLOW
    7. Happy Shine
    8. 光ノサキへ Beyond the Light
    9. さざなみ splash ver. Ripple
    10. SUNSHINE SURF!!(CW version
    11. 星の数だけ願いは届く Reach Many Wishes as the Number of the Stars
    12. ひと夏の恋 Summer Romance
    13. Sky! Sky! Sky! '07 ver.
  • デパフユ(DEPAFUYU)~ 晴れ 時どき (26 November 2008)
    1. シュプール -WINTER VERSION '05
    2. Night & Day
    3. 夕焼けサイクリング Sunset Cycling
    4. Snow Dance winter session
    5. TIME
    6. Dreams
    7. パステル通り Pastel Street
    8. 散歩道 Promenade
    9. DAYS
    10. Morning Smile
    11. 哀愁バイオレット Sorrow Violet
    12. きっとまたいつか Surely Some Other Day
    13. THIS WAY B.O.R. ver.
    14. 晴れ時どき雪 Clear Sometimes Snowing
  • Do! (3 June 2009)
    1. FAKE
    2. KATANA
    3. Sailing
    4. 紫陽花 Hydrangea
    5. HighRock!!
    6. 最後の晩餐 The Last Supper
    7. 二人の写真 Photo of Two Persons
    8. orange
    9. Dolphindance
    10. ジャンボリー Jamboree
    11. PaPaPa
    12. 真夏の疑惑 Doubt of Midsummer
    13. Quarrel
    14. Mint
    15. Special Ladythe wedding anthem
  • デパクラ2DEPAPEPE PLAYS THE CLASSICS 2 (2 December 2009)
    1. 交響曲第9番第4楽章 Beethoven's Symphony No.9 4th Movement
    2. 行進曲威風堂々Elgar's Pomp and Circumstance March
    3. 結婚行進曲 Mendelssohn's Wedding March
    4. グリーンスリーヴスによる幻想曲 Vaughan Williams's Fantasia on Greensleeves
    5. アダージョ・ト短調 Albinoni's Adagio by Giazotto
    6. 亡き王女のためのパヴァーヌ Ravel - Pavane pour une Infante défunte
    7. トルコ行進曲 Mozart's Turkish March
    8. 天国と地獄 Offenbach's Orpheus in the Underworld or widely known as Can-Can dance
    9. 夜想曲第2番 Chopin's Nocturne No.2
    10. 主よ人の望みの喜びよ Bach's Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring
  • ONE (18 May 2011)
    1. 恋水 Tears of Love
    2. Lion
    3. beautiful wind
    4. ONE
    5. Starry Night
    6. notes for Flora
    7. Route 128
    8. Hello
    9. Wind on the coastline
    10. Pride
    11. -Interlude-
    12. 白い花 White flowers


  • 6 Color Rainbow - Video Clips Vol. 1 (25 January 2006)
  • Ciao! Bravo!! The Movie!!! - DEPAPEPE meets Digital Hollywood (19 July 2006)
  • ほろり二人旅 2007 (26 September 2007)
  • DEPAPEPEデビュー5年記念ライブMerry 5 round日比谷野外大音楽堂 2009年5月6日 (30 September 2009)

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  • Depapepe — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Archivo:Http://www.vibe at.jpg Depapepe es la traducción literal del nombre de un dúo de guitarra acústica formado por Takuya Miura y Yoshinari Takuoka,… …   Wikipedia Español

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