

Austrovald, Astrobald, and Austrevald ["Astrovaldo" in Castilian and "Austrowalde" in French.] (died 607) was the Duke of Aquitaine from 587.

Austrovald was probably a count of Toulouse until that year, when he was appointed to succeeded the "dux" Desiderius in Aquitaine, by King Guntram. [Collins, p 85. Gregory, IX.7.]

Under Chilperic I and then the usurper Gundoald, a "dux" named Bladast was acting as duke over the region of Aquitaine. The "dux" Austrovald was sent in 587 to pacify the Basques of Vasconia, a difficult enterprise in which he was none too successful, for he lost many men to captivity and the Basques are found as far as the Garonne by 602. [Ibid, p 84. Higounet, p 18.] Bordeaux probably formed the chief fortified frontier city of Austrovald's watch. [Ibid.] It is probable that the Basques were forced to pay tribute, but left under their own laws. [Sedycias.] It is out of this that a separate Gascon duchy was created in 602, probably within Aquitaine. [Ibid.]

In 589, Austrovald held command of the forces of Périgueux, Agen, Saintes, and Bordeaux, when he invaded Septimania. [Lewis, p 392n67. Gregory, IX.7.] Twice he marched on Visigothic Carcassonne but failed to take it. [Ibid, VIII.45 and IX.31. Collins, p 85.]

Austrovald was succeeded by Sereus after a short reign. [Monlezun, p 221.]



*Higounet, Charles. "Bordeaux pendant le haut moyen age". Bordeaux, 1963.
*Gregory of Tours. [ "Historia Francorum".] translated Earnest Brehaut, 1916.
*Wallace-Hadrill, J. M., translator. " [ The Fourth Book of the Chronicle of Fredegar with its Continuations] ". Greenwood Press: Connecticut, 1960.
*Collins, Roger. "The Basques". Blackwell Publishing: London, 1990.
*Sedycias, João. [ "História da Língua Espanhola".]
*Lewis, Archibald R. " [ The Dukes in the Regnum Francorum, A.D. 550-751.] " "Speculum", Vol. 51, No 3 (July 1976), pp 381–410
*Monlezun, Jean Justin. [ "Histoire de la Gascogne".] 1864.

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