

Infobox Settlement
official_name = Hammarstrand

image_caption =

subdivision_type = Country
subdivision_name = Sweden
subdivision_type1 = Municipality
subdivision_name1 = Ragunda Municipality
subdivision_type2 = County
subdivision_name2 = Jämtland County
subdivision_type3 = Province
subdivision_name3 = Jämtland
area_footnotes = cite web |title=Tätorternas landareal, folkmängd och invånare per km2 2000 och 2005 |publisher=Statistics Sweden |url=http://www.scb.se/statistik/MI/MI0810/2005A01B/T%E4torternami0810tab1.xls |format=xls |language=Swedish |accessdate=2008-05-15]
area_total_km2 = 2.22
population_as_of = 2005-12-31
population_footnotes =
population_total = 1,061
population_density_km2 = 477
timezone = CET
utc_offset = +1
timezone_DST = CEST
utc_offset_DST = +2
latd=63 |latm=06 |lats= |latNS=N
longd=16 |longm=21 |longs= |longEW=E
website =

Hammarstrand is a town (pop. 1,000) in Jämtland, Sweden and the seat of Ragunda Municipality, Jämtland County. The town is host to a bobsleigh and luge track.

Bobsleigh and luge track

Constructed in 1964, the track was 1045 meters long [http://hbrk.tripod.com/rodel.htm Luge at Hammarstrand.] sv icon - accessed March 5, 2008] with 11 curves and a start height of 900 meters. [http://hbrk.tripod.com/bilder.htm Hammarstrand track map.] sv icon - accessed March 5, 2008] Its last World Cup luge competition was held in 1990. Until the completion of the bobsleigh and luge track used for the 1994 Winter Olympics at Lillehammer in 1992, [ [http://www.la84foundation.org/6oic/OfficialReports/1994/E_BOOK3.PDF 1994 Winter Olympics official report - Volume 3.] - accessed February 19, 2008] it was the only track of its kind in Scandanavia. The track was the last natural track to host the FIL European Luge Championships and was the last natural track to host the FIL World Luge Championships until the 2000 event in St. Moritz, Switzerland. Its last use was in 2001. [ [http://www.alltforbyn.se/hammarstrand/rodelnsmecka.4.7c4ce89d113d712160280001501.html Hammarstrand track last usage] sv icon - accessed March 5, 2008]

Track statistics

Championships hosted

*FIL European Luge Championships: [ [http://sports123.com/lug/me-s.html FIL European Luge Championships mens's singles results since 1914] ] 1970, 1976, 1978, 1986
*FIL World Luge Championships: [ [http://sports123.com/lug/mw-s.html FIL World Luge Championships men's single results since 1955] ] 1967, 1975, 1981

Notes and references

External links

* [http://hbrk.tripod.com/bilder.htm Hammarstrand track map] sv icon
* [http://www.hammarstrand.nu/ Official website] sv icon
* [http://www.alltforbyn.se/hammarstrand/vildhussensverk.4.7c4ce89d113d712160280001462.html Vilhussen information on Hammarstrand] sv icon

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