Generation Exploitation

Generation Exploitation

Generation Exploitation is a popular print zine, podcast, and popular culture blog site. It has been cited in "Vanity Fair" and on CBC Radio.

Strange Movies, Weird Records

The Generation Exploitation print zine chronicles unexplored movies from 1930-1980, interviews with forgotten celebrities (such as Adults Only comedian Woody Woodbury), and tells previously untold tales from the world of vinyl (like the Evatone Soundsheet Story). The Generation Exploitation website and podcast take the same genres and expand on them using the respective mediums accordingly.

Christian Exploitation

The first issue of the Generation Exploitation print zine, subtitled From the Drive-in to the Bargain Bin, was released in 2004. It featured a cover story on the "Christian Action Films of Erik Estrada", a genre never previously explored. [ WFMU's Beware of the Blog: The Christian Action Films of Erik Estrada ] ] In 2006 the Generation Exploitation website featured an elaborate and personal history of Spire Christian Comics. The article garnered mass interest around the internet and resulted in the piece being cited in a 2007 story in "Vanity Fair". [cite web | url=| title=American Idol|publisher=Vanity Fair | date=December 20, 2006 | author=Jim Windolf | accessdate=2007-01-03] These and other articles that often appear on the website have given Generation Exploitation notoriety for unearthing oddities in what some call demented fringe-Christian culture. Other strange Christian pop culture aspects they've covered include anti-communist comic books published by the Catholic church in the 1950s and Christian ventriloquist records from the 1950s, 60s, and 70s. [cite web | url=| title=Comic Books and the Catholic Church=Generation Exploitation] In Spring 2007, the Generation Exploitation staff put together a history of Christian stand-up comedy for WFMU's Beware the Blog. Its scholarship and writing style was lauded by ComedyCentral and the author of The Sinner's Guide to the Evangelical Right. It also received some scorn from the Christian blogosphere. Kliph Nesteroff, creator of the Generation Exploitation zine, website, and podcast considers himself agnostic.


The Generation Exploitation Podcast started broadcasting from Vancouver in September 2006. It features a mixture of strange vinyl records unintentionally funny and old time hammy comedy LPs meant to be funny but actually are not. Comedy records with over the top Vegas-style show business aspects feature prominently. A new podcast appears every Friday morning. [ [ CiTR - LaughTracks: The Generation Exploitation Podcast ] ]

Related Projects

Both the podcast and the zine are produced primarily by Vancouver writer Kliph "Shecky Grey" Nesteroff who, since 2003, has been appearing as a regular on the Brent Bambury hosted CBC Radio One program Go. His projects have spawned a weekly column that he writes for Radio WFMU's Beware the Blog, a new entry appearing every Sunday. [ [ WFMU's Beware of the Blog: Listener Kliph's Posts ] ]

External links

* [ Generation Exploitation website]
* [ Generation Exploitation podcast]
* [ Kliph Nesteroff's WFMU Beware the Blog column]


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