Calligonum polygonoides

Calligonum polygonoides

color = lightgreen
name = "Calligonum"

image_width = 240px
image_caption =
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Caryophyllales
familia = Polygonaceae
genus = "Calligonum"
species = "Calligonum polygonoides"

"Calligonum polygonoides", locally known as "Phog" ( _hi. फोग), is a small shrub, found in Thar desert areas, usually 4 feet to 6 feet high but occasionally may reach even 10 feet in height with a girth of 1 to 2 ft. It commonly grows on dry sandy soils and on sand dunes. It is very hardy and being capable of growing under adverse conditions of soil and moisture. It is frost hardy. It produces root suckers and is easily propagated by cutting and layering.


Its roots are used to prepare charcoal to melt iron. Its flowers, known as Phogalo, are used to prepare rayata.

Phogat gotra of Jats is derived from it.


* R N Kaul (1963): Need for afforestation in the arid zones of India, LA-YAARAN, Vol 13
* R C Ghosh (1977): Hand book on afforestation techniques, Dehradun.
* R K Gupta & Ishwar Prakasah (1975): Environmental analysis of the Thar Desert, Dehradun.
* L R Burdak (1982): Recent advances in desert afforestation, Dehradun

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