Murad Bey

Murad Bey
Murad Bey by Dutertre in Description de l'Egypte, 1809.

Murad Bey (c. 17501801) was an Egyptian Mamluk chieftain (Bey), cavalry commander and joint ruler of Egypt with Ibrahim Bey. He was of Georgian origin having been born in Tbilisi.[1]

Following his defeat at the hands of Napoleon's armies at the Battle of the Pyramids, Murad fled to Upper Egypt, mounting a brief guerrilla campaign that staved off Desaix for a year. It was while pursuing Murad Bey into Upper Egypt that the French discovered the monuments at Dendera, Thebes, Edfu and Philae.

In 1800, Murad made peace with Jean Baptiste Kléber, and agreed to garrison Cairo, but died of bubonic plague on his journey there.[1]


  1. ^ a b Mikaberidze, Alexander, "Murad Bey", in: Gregory Fremont-Barnes (ed., 2006), The Encyclopedia of the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, Vol. 2, p. 663. ABC-CLIO, Inc.

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