- Keratin 6A
Name = keratin 6A
caption =
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HGNCid = 6443
Symbol = KRT6A
AltSymbols =
EntrezGene = 3853
OMIM = 148041
RefSeq = NM_005554
UniProt = P02538
ECnumber =
Chromosome = 12
Arm = q
Band = 12
LocusSupplementaryData = -q21Keratins
Keratins are theintermediate filament proteins that form a dense meshwork of filaments throughout thecytoplasm ofepithelial cells. Keratins form heteropolymers consisting of a type I and a type II keratin. Keratins are generally expressed in particular pairs of type I and type II keratin proteins in a tissue-specific andcellular differentiation -specific manner.The keratin proteins of epithelial tissues are commonly known as "keratins" or are sometimes referred to as "epithelial keratins" or "cytokeratins". The specialized keratins of
hair and nail are known as "hard keratins" or "trichocyte keratins". Trichocytes are the specialized epithelial cells from which hair and nail are composed. Trichocyte keratins are similar in their gene and protein structure to keratins except that they are especially rich in thesulfur -containingamino acid cysteine, which facilitates chemical cross-linking of the assembled hard keratins to form a more structurally resilient material.Both epithelial keratins and hard keratins can be further subdivided into type I (acidic) keratins and type II (neutral-basic) keratins. The genes for the type I keratins are located in a gene cluster on human
chromosome 17q, whereas the genes for type II keratins are located in a cluster on humanchromosome 12q (the exception being K18, a type I keratin located in the type II gene cluster).Keratin 6A
Keratin 6A (protein name K6A; gene name "KRT6A"), is a type II cyto
keratin , one of a number ofisoform s ofkeratin 6 encoded by separate genes located within the type II keratin gene cluster on humanchromosome 12q. It is found withkeratin 16 and/orkeratin 17 in the palm and sole epidermis, the epithelial cells of the nail bed, thefiliform papillae of thetongue , theepithelial lining of oralmucosa andesophagus , as well as thehair follicle s. This keratin 6 isoform is thought to be the most abundant of the K6 isoforms.The "KRT6A" gene consists of 9
exons separated by 8introns and is located in the type II keratin gene cluster on human "chromosome" 12q.Keratin 6B andkeratin 6C are encoded by the neighbouring genes, which are identical inintron -exon organization to "KRT6A" and are more than 99% identical in theirDNA coding sequences.Genetic disorders
Mutations in the genes expressing this protein have been associated with the PC1 variant of
pachyonychia congenita , an inherited disorder of theepithelial tissues in which keratin 6A is expressed, particularly leading to structural abnormalities of the nails, the epidermis of the palms and soles, and oralepithelia [McLean WHI et al. (1995) Keratin 16 and keratin 17 mutations cause pachyonychia congenita. Nature Genetics 9:273-278. Abstract available here [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=pubmed&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=AbstractPlus&list_uids=7539673&query_hl=8&itool=pubmed_docsum] .] [Bowden PE et al. (1995) Mutation of a type II keratin gene (K6a) in pachyonychia congenita. Nature Genetics 10:363-365. Abstract available here [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=pubmed&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=AbstractPlus&list_uids=7545493&query_hl=10&itool=pubmed_docsum] .] [Smith FJD et al. (1998) A mutation in human keratin K6b produces a phenocopy of the K17 disorder pachyonychia congenita type 2. Human Molecular Genetics 7:1143-1148. Abstract available here [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=pubmed&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=AbstractPlus&list_uids=9618173&query_hl=12&itool=pubmed_docsum] .] .References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.