- Antoni Libera
Antoni Libera (born
19 April 1949 inWarsaw ) is a Polish leading literary critic, translator, writer,theatre director . He is a memberStowarzyszenie Pisarzy Polskich . Best known for his translations and productions ofSamuel Beckett 's plays. [http://www.instytutksiazki.pl/index.php?id=24&L=1&user_autorzy_pi1%5BshowUid%5D=110&cHash=800cf8657e Libera's entry in Instytut Książki (a photo included).] Retrieved on 02.01.2007] Other translated authors includeShakespeare ("Macbeth "),Sophocles ("Antigone"), Wilde ("Salome"),Hölderlin and others. He translated a number of operas as well. Libera's first novel "Madame" (1998) was awarded Grand Prix of "Znak" (a major publishing house in Poland) and nominated to 1999 Nike Literary Award. [ [http://www.polishlibrary.org/review/madame.htm "Madame" entry in PolishLibrary.org] ] The novel was translated into English [Farrar Straus & Giroux (USA), Canongate Books Ltd (UK)] , French [Buchet Chastel, collection Littérature étrangère] and Hungarian.Trivia
Stanisław Barańczak in his essay "Onanagramy" ("Onomastic anagram s") offered 36 meaningful anagrams of Libera's name, including e.g. "Art E. Albinioni", "Inertia Balon", "Nina B. Loteria", "Beria Natolin" and others.References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.