Snipe Master

Snipe Master

The Snipe Master is Velociraptor-type Zoid, one of over 200 species of biomechanical lifeforms depicted by TOMY's "Zoids" model, toy, and media franchise.Zoids
Zoid_name = Snipe Master
ImageName = Zoidslogo.jpg
Caption = No image available at this time. Please contribute
Model_number = RZ-057
Faction = Helic Republic
Zoid_type = Velociraptor
Crew = 2
Weight = 22
Length = 12
Height = 7.2
Speed = 195 km/h
Weapons = M&N AZ 144mm Sniper Rifle, Strike Claw x2, Zan Smasher Claw x2, Bite Fangs
Equipment = Stealth Systems, Objective Sensors, Precision Sniper Scope


The Snipe Master is a Velociraptor-type Zoid, created by the Helic Republic. The design was based on the Gun Sniper design, but where the Gun Sniper was a general infantry Zoid equipped with a sniper weapon, the Snipe Master is a specialised sniping platform. The Zoid’s rifle has a longer range, greater accuracy, and more killing power than its predecessor. The weapon is clip-fed, allowing for reloading in the field.

To better perform its dedicated role, the Snipe Master has several other improvements. The rifle is operated by a dedicated sniper crewman in a separate cockpit to the pilot. Additionally, the rifle is equipped with an advanced scope and tracking sensors to enhance its targeting. To aid the Zoid in its missions, it is equipped with sensor baffles that render it undetectable to most conventional sensors.

These advances come at a price; save for its teeth and claws, the Zoid lacks any secondary weapons. If caught at close-range by an enemy Zoid, the Snipe Master is usually at a disadvantage. Several weapons packages were later developed to help deal with this problem.

Battle Story appearances

In the build-up of their forces for the invasion of the Dark Continent of Nyx, the Helic Republic created the Snipe Master to act as a dedicated sniping platform. This allowed them to free up Gun Snipers to act as regular infantry Zoids and supplant older machines like the Godos.

The Snipe Masters were initially effective against the Guylos forces, using the harsh terrain of Nyx to their advantage. However, in fighting against the Prozen Knights, the Snipe Masters were forced into close combat with the enemy’s Hammer Rock Zoids, where they were at a disadvantage. The majority of the Snipe Masters were wiped out when Prozen's Deathsaurer exploded, destroying both armies.

Media appearances

The Snipe Master's media appearances are limited to the "Zoids Saga" and "Zoids Versus" series of games. A specialised variant of the Snipe Master, the Snipe Master Blue Unicorn is associated with the elite Republic team in the "Versus" series


New Japanese Release

*Assembly required. (Snap-together, no glue needed. Scissors or X-acto knife recommended for trimming off excess plastic bits.)
*The model's colours are moulded into the plastic, and it does not need any paint.

The Snipe Master comes on four frames, along with a small wind-up motor, a clear canopy, two lots of four rubber caps, two small grey pilots (one seated, one prone), and label sheets. The Zoid is moulded in white, light blue and black, with an option for blue or red caps. The Snipe Master was the last all-new windup Zoid ever released.

Construction of the Snipe Master is relatively simple and straightforward. The Zoid uses a simple wind-up motor for its motion; once wound, the Zoid will walk forwards and wave its arms.

Several additional weapons kits were produced for the Snipe Master. All of these were also designed for use with other Zoids.
*The CP-24 Flexible Booster consists of a pair of boosters mounted on the sides on flexible mountings.
*The CP-25 Active Shield consists of a pair of shields mounted on the Zoids side that move to protect it form incoming fire.
*The CP-26 Omni-Directional Missile Unit consists of several launchers that are spread across the Zoid's body, carrying an array of missiles.

The Snipe Master was released in 2001.

nipe Master Blue Unicorn

A limited edition version of the Snipe Master was released in 2001, recoloured in white, black and bright orange. This was released with the first "Zoids VS" game as a tie-in.

Museum Snipe Master

A limited edition version of the Snipe Master was released in 2005 as an exclusive to the Ueno Museum's 'Dinosaur Expo 2005'. This version of the Snipe Master was primarily bone-white, with dark coffee coloured parts, gunmetal weapons and orange canopies.

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