Infobox block cipher
name = FEA-M
designers = X. Yi, C.H. Tan, C.K. Siew, and M.R. Syed
publish date = 2001
derived from =
derived to =
related to =
key size = about 4094.2 bits
block size = 4096 bits
structure =
rounds = 1
cryptanalysis = Youssef and Tavares break it with 1 known plaintext and 2 chosen plaintextsIn
cryptography , FEA-M (Fast Encryption Algorithm for Multimedia) is ablock cipher developed in 2001 by X. Yi, C. H. Tan, C. K. Siew, and M. R. Syed.With the unusually large block size of 4096 bits, all of FEA-M's calculations operate on 64×64 binary matrices. Unlike most block ciphers, FEA-M does not use multiple rounds of encryption. Each block is encrypted using just two multiplications and two additions. The data is encrypted using a pair of
session key s chosen for just that message. The key is an invertible matrix used to encrypt the session keys, and the encrypted session keys must be sent along with the ciphertext. Since only invertible matrices can be used for the key, the effectivekey size is about 4094.2 bits.FEA-M is insecure; an attack found by Youssef and Tavares (2003) recovers the secret key using only 1 known
plaintext and 2 chosen plaintexts. [cite journal|last=Li|first=Shujun|coauthors=Lo, Kwok-Tung|title=Security problems with improper implementations of improved FEA-M|journal=Journal of Systems and Software|volume=80|issue=5|pages=791–794|date=2006-06-14|url=http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6V0N-4K606D8-2&_user=10&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=7bc08bf454715ab03fba1efa33067fd6|accessdate=2007-12-14|doi=10.1016/j.jss.2006.05.002]References
cite conference
author = Hongjun Wu, Feng Bao, and Robert H. Deng
title = An Efficient Known Plaintext Attack on FEA-M
booktitle = 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Security (ICICS 2003)
pages = pp.34–46
publisher =Springer-Verlag
date = October 2003
location =Huhehaote
url = http://icsd.i2r.a-star.edu.sg/publications/WuHongjun_2003_feam.pdf
format =PDF
accessdate = 2006-12-31Notes
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