La Bola de Cristal

La Bola de Cristal

La Bola de Cristal ("The Crystal Ball") was a Spanish TV Show that aired on TVE during the 1980s. It was hosted by singer Alaska. The show, which was ostensibly targeted at a young audience, reflected the spirit of the times, that of the post-Franco Spanish transition and of the cultural and musical movement known as la movida.In contrast to previous shows, it had references to electronics: the "Electroduendes" ("Electrogremlins") puppets included "Maese Vídeo", "Audio" and the Failure Witch.

It also included slogans against authority and capitalism.

Although it was never released on VHS video, in 2003 selected excerpts of the legendary show were released on DVD.

External links

* [ Official bilingual page on the "Electroduendes" from "La Bola de Cristal"]

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