

Infobox German Location
image_photo = The center of sembach village.jpg
imagesize =
image_caption = The Center of Sembach
Wappen = Wappen_von_Sembach.pnglat_deg = 49 |lat_min = 30 |lat_sec = 49
lon_deg = 07 |lon_min = 51 |lon_sec = 38
Lageplan =
Bundesland = Rhineland-Palatinate
Landkreis = Kaiserslautern
Verbandsgemeinde = Enkenbach-Alsenborn
Höhe = 261
Fläche = 5.49
Einwohner = 1173
Stand = 2006-06-30
PLZ = 67681
Vorwahl = 06303
Kfz = KL
Gemeindeschlüssel = 07 3 35 205
Adresse-Verband = Hauptstraße 18
67677 Enkenbach-Alsenborn
Website = []
Bürgermeister = Hack Fritz
Bürgermeistertitel = Ortsbürgermeister
Partei = SPD

Sembach is a municipality in the district of Kaiserslautern in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. It forms part of the "Verbandsgemeinde" of Enkenbach-Alsenborn


The town is nestled in the Nature park of the Palatinate forest between Kaiserslautern and Donnersbergkreis.

Early Beginnings

The town currently stands on portions of land purchased by lord Kloster Enkenbach in 1300.


Municipal council

The municipal council of Sembach has 17 members, including the mayor (Bürgermeister).(Dated: elections June 13 2004)

Sembach By Car

*The Bundesstraße 40 runs through the edge of the town. The Bundesautobahn 63 (Kaiserslautern- Mainz) exit Sembach, is 1 km from the middle of Sembach. Frankfurt is 107 km north from Sembach, and downtown Kaiserslautern (Stadtmitte) is about 8 km away.

American military influence

Headquarters of 17th Air Force from October 1972 until September 30 1996. Dependent schooling from Kindergarten to 3rd grade is in Sembach Elementary School and grades 4th-8th in Sembach Middle School. Many other buildings consist of Sembach Annex accomplishing a variety of missions for the United States Air Force. Sembach Airbase was shut down in 1996 with the runway shutting down and the remainder of Sembach AB being transferred to its current status as an annex of Ramstein Air Base. The former runway has been mostly dismantled except for a small stretch at the eastern end with the remainder of the former facility now being an industrial park.

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