Mother Of God Roman Catholic Church

Mother Of God Roman Catholic Church

Mother Of God Roman Catholic Church (Mutter Gottes Kirche: German) is located at 119 West 6th Street in Covington, Kentucky. The Church is located in the Mutter Gottes Historic District.

This historic church features twin renaissance towers and murals by famous Vatican artist Johann Schmitt, an early teacher of Frank Duveneck, who was baptised in the parish in 1848. In the spring of 1842, the German congregation purchased a lot at the southwest corner of 6th and Washington streets. On this lot, a new church was constructed. Bishop Guy Chabrat of Louisville, Kentucky laid the cornerstone on April 14, 1842. The church was dedicated by the same bishop on October 10, 1842. The new church was brick and measured 100 x 50 feet. Transepts were added to the structure in 1851.

On March 10, 1986, a tornado swept through Covington damaging the cupola of Mother of God Church. The congregation quickly rallied to rebuild the structure. While the structure was being repaired, a second tragedy occurred. Workers using welding torches accidentally set the building on fire. The building was accurately restored to its 1890 appearance. The cost of the restoration exceeded one million dollars.

External links

* [ Mother of God Church]
* [ Church at night]
* [ Church History]
* [ sculpture of St. Peter]
* [ Church has renaissance]

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