Qatamon Medal

Qatamon Medal

Qatamon Medal (Hebrew: מדליית קטמון) was an Israeli military decoration awarded during the Independence war.

The Qatamon Medal was instituted in May 1948 as decoration to IDF soldiers who took part in the battle for the conquest of the Qatamon neighborhood of Jerusalem.

Awarding of the Qatamon Medal began at July 1949 however soon after the awarding of the medal the IDF withdrew it's recognition and wearing of the medal has stopped.


The medal shape is round and it's made of either bronze or silver.

The front of the medal depict the Jewish Agency Building and the Tower of David, both located in Jerusalem around them is writing from a Psalms verse "If I forget thee O Jerusalem let my right hand be forgotten" (Hebrew: אם אשכחך ירושלים, תשכח ימיני).

The writing the reverse of the medal is "for the conquest of Qatamon, Jerusalem" (Hebrew: לכיבוש קטמון, ירושלים) then there is the Hebrew date (22 Nissan 5708 כ"ב ניסן תש"ח) and the Christian date (1.5.1948).

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