Slovenske Konjice

Slovenske Konjice

Municipality_of_Slovenia|nativename=Slovenske Konjice
area=97.8 km²
mayor=Miran Gorinšek
avg_age=39.76 years
residental_density=27.85 m²/person
salary_date=August 2003
avg_salary_bruto=212,855 SIT
avg_salary_neto=137,377 SIT

Slovenske Konjice is a town (city) and a municipality of same name in the northeastern Slovenia (till 1918 Lower Styria). It is the administrative and cultural center of Dravinja Valley. The municipality borders on the municipalities of Šmarje pri Jelšah and Šentjur pri Celju to the south, Vojnik to the west, Zreče to the northwest, Oplotnica to the north, Slovenska Bistrica to the east, and Rogaška Slatina to the southeast.

Municipality subdivision

As a municipality it unites several small towns and villages, including:

"Bezina, Blato, Brdo, Breg pri Konjicah, Brezje pri Ločah, Dobrava pri Konjicah, Dobrnež, Draža vas, Gabrovlje, Gabrovnik, Kamna Gora, Klokočovnik, Koble, Kolačno, Konjiška vas, Kraberk, Ličenca, Lipoglav, Loče, Mali Breg, Mlače, Nova vas pri Konjicah, Novo Tepanje, Ostrožno pri Ločah, Penoje, Perovec, Petelinjek pri Ločah, Podob, Podpeč ob Dravinji, Polene, Preloge pri Konjicah, Prežigal, Selski Vrh, Slovenske Konjice, Sojek, Spodnja Pristava, Spodnje Grušovje, Spodnje Laže, Spodnje Preloge, Spodnji Jernej, Stare Slemene, Strtenik, Suhadol, Sveti Jernej, Slovenske Konjice, Škalce, Škedenj, Špitalič, Štajerska vas, Tepanje, Tepanjski Vrh, Tolsti Vrh, Vešenik, Zbelovo, Zbelovska Gora, Zeče, Zgornja Pristava, Zgornje Laže, Žiče"


Parish gothic church of St. George, rectory "Farof" (priest house), ruins of castle (Slovene: Stari grad), mansion Trebnik (1404), baroque old square (Slovene: Stari trg), Seiz Charterhouse (Slovene: Žička kartuzija).


The area was inhabited in the antiquity, proofed by the gravestones found along the main roman road from Aquileia to Poetovia, which passed nearby. In middle ages the settlement was founded under the mountain called Konjiška gora, together with church it was first mentioned in writing at 1146. In 12. century the town was seat of for-parish, one hundred years after that the it became the Market town with fair rights, divided with owner of the castle.

Slovenske Konjice developed on the road crossing Maribor - Celje and Vitanje - Poljčane - Ptuj under protection of old castle (today in ruins and partly renovated), nearby the crossing over the mountain.

Area around the priest house was only fortified one, except the castle. The town was burned down four times (most of houses were wooden), at last in 18. century. During peasant mutiny (1515) rebellions here wrote a letter with their demands and sent it to emperor at Vienna. Economic development rose after reconstruction of main road Vienna - Trieste in 18. century. During 19. century town got local court. Southern railroad was build in 1846, but 15 km more eastern. On 20. of June 1892 works started for the narrow gauge (760 mm) steam railroad line (called "Konjičanka") from Poljčane to Slovenske Konjice, which was opened on 20. of December 1892. On 29. of June 1921 it was extended to Zreče. Transport on it ended in 1963, track were removed at 1970. Museum locomotive K.3 (Gonobitz), build by Krauss factory at Linz, is on display at Slovenian railroad museum at Ljubljana.

Forms of the written name

Gonviz (1251), Gombicz (1370), Gannabitz (1570), Gonaviz (1594), Gonavitz (1630), Gonwitz (1636), Gonowitz (1662), Ganowiz (1680), Gonnawitz (1680).

"Konjice" got adjective "Slovenske" in the 1918, during Kingdom of Yugoslavia, to differ from Konjic in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Owners of castle

* house of Gonobitz 1148-1329
* house of Wilthausen 1329-1385
* house of Duino 1385-1406
* counts Walsee 1406-1469
* regional princes 1496-1576
* Johann von Khißl 1576-1592
* archduke Ferdinand 1594-1597
* counts Tattenbach 1597-1670
* Holy Roman Emperor 1670-1685
* Johann and Otto Tattenbach 1685-1692
* Seiz Charterhouse 1692-1783
* religious foundation 1783-1828
* princes of Windisch-Grätz 1828-1945

Prominent persons

Prominent persons from the municipality of Slovenske Konjice include:
*Branko Rudolf - writer
*Ivan Minatti - poet
*Jure Zdovc - basketball player / coach

Partner towns

Liptovský Mikuláš SVK

Kosjeric SRB

External links

* [ Slovenske Konjice] , official page of municipality (Slovene & English)

* [ local weather station]

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