Henry of Settimello

Henry of Settimello

Henry of Settimello (in Latin, "Henricus Septimellensis" or "Henricus Pauper"; in Italian, "Arrigo" or "Arrighetto da Settimello") was a late 12th century Italian poet. He was the author of "De diversitate fortunae et philosophiae consolatione" ("On varying fortune and the consolation of philosophy"), a Latin poem in elegiac couplets. His Latin nickname (meaning "Henry the poor") is linked with a story that he could not afford paper and was forced to write his poems on old animal skins.


*"Arrighetto, ovvero Trattato contro all' avversità della fortuna di Arrigo da Settimello". Firenze: Domenico Maria Manni, 1730. [Latin with Italian prose translation]

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