- Edmund Dejter
Edmund Dejter (*January 3, 1905 - +
Opatówek , June 8, 1934). He was born in an evangelical family. He was the first doctor working only in Opatówek. Beforehand, the sick inhabitants were treated by hospital attendants, even by barber surgeons and quacks. Doctor Edmund Dejter was married and had one son,Stephen Dejter , born there about 1930.Doctor Edmund Dejter is kept in mind by the dwellers of Opatówek as a good doctor, devoted to his patients. He was helped in his work by his wife. He was also engaged to the social activity. He was the leader of the Red Cross department in the Catholic Association of Female Youth (Katolickie Stowarzyszenie Młodzieży Żeńskiej) in Opatówek and a supporting member of the Shooting Union (Związek Strzelecki). He also took care of the children’s home. He had tuberculosis and died on June 8, 1934 in Opatówek and was buried in the evangelical part of the cemetery in Opatówek.
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