kraw-kraw — … Useful english dictionary
craw — /kraw/, n. 1. the crop of a bird or insect. 2. the stomach of an animal. 3. stick in one s craw, to cause considerable or abiding resentment; rankle: She said I was pompous, and that really stuck in my craw. [1350 1400; ME crawe, prob. akin to… … Universalium
crawdad — /kraw dad /, n. crayfish (def. 1). Also, crawdaddy. [1900 05, Amer.; CRAW(FISH) + dad (perh. DAD1); cf. DOODAD] * * * … Universalium
crawdaddy — /kraw dad ee/, n., pl. crawdaddies. crawdad. * * * … Universalium
crawfish — /kraw fish /, n., pl. (esp. collectively) crawfish, (esp. referring to two or more kinds or species) crawfishes, v. n. 1. crayfish. v.i. 2. Informal. to back out or retreat from a position or undertaking. [1615 25; earlier crafish, cravish,… … Universalium
Crawford — /kraw feuhrd/, n. 1. Cheryl, 1902 86, U.S. stage director and producer. 2. Francis Marion, 1854 1909, U.S. novelist, in Italy after 1885. 3. Thomas, 1813? 57, U.S. sculptor. 4. William Harris, 1772 1834, U.S. political leader: senator 1807 13,… … Universalium
Crawfordsville — /kraw feuhrdz vil /, n. a city in W central Indiana. 13,325. * * * ▪ Indiana, United States city, seat (1823) of Montgomery county, west central Indiana, U.S., on Sugar Creek, 46 miles (74 km) northwest of Indianapolis. Founded in 1823, it was… … Universalium
crawler — /kraw leuhr/, n. 1. a person or thing that crawls. 2. Also called crawler tractor. any of various large, heavy vehicles or machines that are propelled on endless belts or tracks, esp. as used in construction. 3. hellgrammite. 4. Often, crawlers.… … Universalium
crawly — /kraw lee/, adj., crawlier, crawliest, n., pl. crawlies. Informal. adj. 1. that crawls; noting or describing things, as worms or insects, that crawl, esp. imparting a queasy feeling; creepy. n. 2. a crawling insect, small reptile, etc. [1855 60;… … Universalium
croisette — /kraw set , kro /, n. crossette. * * * … Universalium