Joseph W. Eaton

Joseph W. Eaton

Joseph W. Eaton is an American Sociologistanthropologist listed in "Who is Who in the World" for his published research and academic career in public and international affairs, social work and public health. Born in Nürnberg, Germany as Josef Wechsler on September 28, 1919 as the third of four brothers, he was ordered to leave High School (the Hohenzollern Gymnasium in Berlin) at the age of 13 He and his ancestors were Jewish. The impoverished family could not emigrate as a unit. Joseph was allowed to come to the United States to complete his education under the auspices of the German-Jewish Children’s Aid (GJCA) program. It looked after unaccompanied children from Europe, who needed foster care and financial guarantees against becoming a public charge in order to complete their education in the United States.

Early Life and Education

He and his three brothers fought against Germany during World War II , two in the U.S. armed forces and two as volunteers under British command in Palestine. As a result of Germany's successful Blitzkrieg offensive in 1940, their parents once again came under German control after Nazi troops occupied Holland. As nominal “traitors” to the country of their birth and citizenship, their four children changed their sur-name to Eaton to minimize risk to their parents in Amsterdam or to themselves, in the event they would be taken prisoner in combat.

After interruption by World War II military service, Joseph W. Eaton completed his doctorate at Columbia University, studying under Edmund De S. Brunner, Robert King Merton, Robert Staughton Lynd, Paul Lazersfeld and Robert Morrison MacIver in 1948. Eaton’s doctoral dissertation was published in 1943 by Harper Brothers under the title Exploring Tomorrow’s Agriculture. Eaton and Helen Fay Goodman were married in 1948. They have four children.

Eaton has held the following positions:

*Professor Emeritus, University of Pittsburgh, 1990 – Present

*Professor, University of Pittsburgh, 1960-1990

**School of Public and International Affairs, 1975-1990 and Chairman of Economic and Social Development Sequence, 1982 – 1987
**School of Public Health, 1972-1975, Director of Social Science Unit

**School of Social Work, 1960-72

**Acting Chair, Department of Sociology, 1961. Initiation of Social Work Research Major and Administration Major Programs

**Associate Professor, School of Social Work, University of California, Los Angeles, 1956 – 1960

**Russell Sage Research Professorship, School of Social Work, Western Reserve University, 1954 – 1956.
**Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, 1948 – 1953

**Research Analyst, Personnel Research Division, U.S. Army 1946 - 1948

**Director, Rural Settlement Institute, December 1940 – 1942.

Research Projects

*Co-Director, Nationwide Survey of Title Insurance Management, Financed by FIRST, The Foundation for Insurance Regulatory Studies, 2000-2003. Final report published in 2007."The American Title Insurance Industry", New York University Press.

*Co-Director, Shared Waters: History of Development and Management of Water Resources of the Jordan River Watershed, a collaborative study with the School of Public Affair3, University of Texas at Austin, 1992.-

*Director, US-USSR Joint Venture Research Project -, a collaborative effort of the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, the Katz School of Business, the School of Engineering, the Department of Economics and the University Center of International Studies, 1989.

*Research award, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), 1986.

Variety of research grants and teaching program development grants from the National Institute of Mental Health, the U. S. Office of Education, the Social Science Research Council, the U.S. Public Health Service, the National Association of Social Workers, the Rosenberg Foundation, Agency for International Development, Ford Foundation, the Mexican-U. S. Border Research Program, University of Texas at Austin and various university research development finds.

Consultant and Co-Principal Investigator, Stanley Research Grant, Exploring the Causes of Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder in an Isolated Religious Community.”

University Administration

Director of the Economic and Social Development Program. Organizer and coordinator of the dual degree program of the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs and the Graduate School of Social Work. Joint appointments in the Department of Sociology and the School of Public Health. 1982-1987

Director of the Inter-University Consortium of Institution Building, School of Public and International Affairs. With Ford Foundation and AID funds, it supported field studies by scholars and graduate students in several universities of institution. [1966 - 1970)]

Director, School of Social Work, Haifa University, on leave from University of Pittsburgh, 1970-1975. Guest Lecturer to conduct seminar on “The Pro's and Con's of Privatization of Public Enterprises” at he Palmieri Togliatti Institute of Engineering Economics (A graduate level management school) in Leningrad in 1988. Feature Speaker, 41st Annual Conference of the Australian Universities Law School of Association and two Australian Law Schools on the subject of “Privacy Protection in the Silicon Age. Chip Age: A U.S. Commentary on the Australian Land Controversy”.

International Teaching

Lecturer on Legal Issues: Monash University, Melbourne Australia and University of Sidney, Australia, as well as four lectures in Japan on Privacy. Security and the National l. D. Card Controversy in 1987.

Three-month consultation on specific projects and lectureship, U.S. International Communication Agency (U.S. Department of State), in Liberia, Nigeria, South Africa and Malawi, 1979. Academic responsibility for Study Tour of “Egypt in Transition to Peace,” Pittsburgh Informal Program, 1979. Lecturer for the U.S. Information Agency (USIA) in Sweden, the German Bundesrepublic, Romania, Sudan, Israel, Egypt, 1982-1986; Egypt, Nepal. Pakistan, Iraq, and Ethiopia, 1988. Crown Prince Hassan Pittsburgh leadership delegation to Jordan, 1988; American observer at East and West German Middle East Experts meeting.

Exchange Scholar to study sociology and social planning as guest of the National Academies of Science in Poland and the German Democratic Republic, 1980.

Fulbright Scholar in Africa, 1979.

Professional Service and Recognition

Member, Educational Policy Committee of the Senate of the University of Pittsburgh, including chairmanship of a Committee to review the Library and Information Sciences Programs.

Chairman of the Research Council of the National Association of Social Workers, 1968-197l. Several terms as liaison officer between the American Sociological Association and the NASW, as an appointee of the ASA and/or the National Board of NASW.

Faculty Research Fellowship, Social Science Research Council, 1962.Elected to Sociological Research Society, 1956.

Listed in Who's Who in America and Who is Who in the World, A.N. Marquis

Community ServiceMember, Cable Industry Advisory Committee, City Council, 1994-; Chairperson, January 1996-2000.

Member, Pittsburgh Study Mission To Northern Ireland, 1993.

Military Service

U.S. Army in the U.S..1942-46, Supreme Headquarters, SHAEF, Psychological Warfare Service, 4th Mobile Radio Broadcasting Company and Editor, Regensburger Post, 1944 – 46. Summary of Military Occupation in Separation Qualification Record, dated 6 March, 1946, Army Serial Number 32 498 461

Editor -- In the European theater, edited a newspaper for German civilian population in Bavaria, with a circulation of 400 000. Supervised stall of 50, civilian and military personnel. Directed the layout of each edition, collected local news and reported on special feature events. Wrote editorials. Checked on the reactions of Germans towards U.S. Military Government press and propaganda activities. At U.S. controlled radio stations, prepared radio transcripts and made recordings of recently captured enemy prisoners, under combat conditions.”

Public Policy Activity

Invited testimony of Joseph W. Eaton about the viability of the 27 cooperative farming corporations of the Farm Security Administration manned by former farm laborers at "Hearings before the Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate (H.R. 6709), Agricultural Appropriations Bill for 1943, pages 650 - 669. The evidence of the testimony prevented the projected congressional mandate to terminate the program that had been inserted in the bill by a majority of the House of Representatives. [ See U.S. Senate Report No. 1323, which accompanied H.R.6709, submitted by Senator Richard B. Russell reporting on May 13, 1942. On page 8, the Senator noted" the committee does not interpret the following language inserted by the House to prohibit cooperative farming such as are now in operation".

In 1943 Congress mandated and funded the dissolution of all Department of Agriculture supported cooperative farms, as favored by “large farm” lobbyists. I was serving in the U.S. military and could not repeat my testimony at the pertinent congressional hearing. No one else appeared at the hearing to speak about the effectiveness of this program.


ocial Work and Social Welfare

Errors and Mistakes in Social Practice, Administration in Social Work, Volume 4(1), Spring 1980, pp.43 – 54

“Stress in Social Work Practice”, in White Collar and Professional Stress, edited by C.L. Cooper and J. Marshall, New York, JohnWiley and Sons, 1980. pp. 167 – 185

“Who Speaks for the Poor,” The Planning of Change, third edition, Benne, Bennis, Chin and Corey (Holt, Rinehart and Winston, May 1976).

Migration and Social Welfare, Editor (New York: National Association of Social Workers, 1971).

“The Immobile Poor,” in Thomas Sherard (ed.). Social Welfare and Urban Problems New York: Columbia University Press, 1968, 62-83.

Racial Discrimination and Diagnostic Differentiation, with Neil Gilbert, in Race, Research and Reason, Institute on Research Toward Improving Race Relations, National Association of Social Workers, 1967, pp. 79 – 88

Education for Public Service, School and Society, October 14, 1967, pp. 358 - 360

“The Art of Aging and Dying”, The Gerontologist Vol. 4, No. 2, Part I, June 1964, 66-73.

“Role Expectations: The Social Workers Look in the Mirror,” Public Administration Review. 1963, 170-176.

“A Scientific Basis for Helping,” in Alfred J. Kahn (ed.), Current Issues in Social Work, Columbia University Press, 1959.

“The Relevancy of Social Work for Sociology,” Sociology and Social Research. Vol. 43, No. 3, January-February 1959.

“Science, “Art” and Uncertainty in Social Work.” Social Work. Vol. 3, July 1958, 3-10.

“Whence and Whither Social Work?” Social Work, Vol. 1, No. 1, January 1956, 11-26.

“A Social Science Approach to Nursery School Teaching,” Child Welfare June 1955, 1-6.

“Why Workers Yell” (with H. Ray Stricker and Emile N. Asa), Personnel Vol. 29. No. 1, July 1952, 32-36.

Mental Health

“Low Prevalence of Psychoses Among the Hutterites, an Isolated Religious Community”, American Journal of Psychiatry. Vol. 157, No, 7:1065-1070, 2000.

“Newism and the Scientific Social Movement, ” in Social Psychiatry, ed. Jules H. Masserman and John J. Schwab (London: Grune and Stratton, 1974), vol. I, pp. 49-56.

“The Mental Health of the Hutterites,” in lhsan A1-lssa and Wayne Dennies (eds.), Cross-Cultural Studies of Behavior. 1970, 445-454.

“Social Biology of Very High Fertility: The Demography of a Unique Population,” in Charles B. Nam, Population and Society. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1968, 279-284

“Soziologische Variable für die Diagnostik Emotionaler Störungen,” in Medizin and Soziologie Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 1967, 130-140.

Adolescence In A Communal Society, in Mental Hygiene, Vol. 48, No. 1, January 1964, pp 66-73

“Pastoral Counseling in a Metropolitan Suburb,” Journal of Pastoral Care with Edward W. Speth, Arthur Goldberg and Mary Avid Todd, Vol. 17, No. 2, Summer 1963.

“Folk Psychiatry.” New Society Vol. 2, No, 48, August 29, 1963.

“Psychiatric Treatment Under Social Psychological Coercion: A Group Psycho-Therapy Program for Criminal Offenders in the Community,” with Albert Labin, MD), California Medicine,Vol. 88, No, I, January 1958, 22-25.

“On the Validity of Treatment Evaluation by Client Associates,” Group Psychology, Vol. 21, No. 5, October 1956.

Hutterites, in Arnold M. Rose (ed.), Mental Health and Mental Disorders. W. W. Morton Company, 1955, 233-239; also Eric and Mary Josephson. Man Alone: Alienation in Modern Society. A Bell Press Paper, 1961; also reprinted in Thomas Scheff, Mental Illness and Social Processes Harper and Row, 1967, 92-101; also in M. Weinberg and Oscar E. Shabat. Society and Man Prentice-Hall, 1956, 1965, Stephen B. Shitzer and Norman K. Denzin, The Mental Patient. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1968, 184-190.

Culture and Mental Disorders A Comparative Study of the Hutterites and Other Populations, in collaboration with Robert J. Weil (Glencoe, Illinois: The Free Press, 1955).

Man's Capacity to Reproduce: The Demography of a Unique Population, with Albert Mayer (Glencoe, Illinois: The Free Press, 1954). Reprinted from Human Biology, vol. 24, no. 3 (September 1953). The data were also summarized in a special issue of Population Reference Bureau, vol. 10, no. 8 (December 1954), and vol. 24, no, 2 (November 1968).

“Some Epidemiological Findings in the Hutterite Mental Health Study” (with Robert J. Weil), Interrelations Between the Social Environment and Psychiatric Disorders, Milbank Memorial Fund 1953, pp 222-231.

“Controlled Acculturation: A Survival Technique of the Hutterites.” American Sociological Review Vol. XVII, No. 3, June 1952, 331-340. Reprinted in Richard L. Simpson and Ida Harper Simpson, editors.

“The Group Farm”, Cooperative Living, Spring 1952, Vol. III, No. 3, 1952

“Psychotherapeutic Principles in Social Research” (with Robert S. Weil), Psychiatry Vol. XVI, No. 4, November 1951,439-454.

“The Assessment of Mental Health.” American Journal of Psychiatry Vol. 198, August 1951, 81-90.

“The Hutterite Mental Health Study” (with Robert J. Weil and Bert Kaplan), Mennonite Quarterly Review. January 1951, 3-19.

Planning and Community Development

“The Achievement in Crisis: Management of the Unforeseen,” Handbook of Comparative and Development Public Administration, second ed. Ali Farazmand, editor (New York and Basel: Marcel Dekker, Inc. 2001).

The Knowledge Basis of Planning, World Future Society Bulletin, Volume XIV, No. 6, November – December 1980, pp.23 – 30

Can Business Save South Africa? American Universities Field Staff Report No. 20 (Hanover, New Hampshire, 1980).

The Rurban Village with David Solomonico, MA, Gavrush Nehuschtan, MA. and Rebeccah Matthews MA), Rehovoth, Israel, Settlement Study Centre, 1979.

Institution Building From Concepts to Application: A Book of Readings, editor (Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications, 1972).

“Planning and Development: An Ideological Typology,” and “Institution Building: The Gadna Youth Corps,” in D. Woods Thomas, et al., Institution Building: A Model for Applied Social Change, Boston, Massachusetts: Shenkman Publishing Company, 1972, 421-442.

“Community Development Ideologies,” International Review of Community Development, 1963. Translated and Published also in French and Spanish editions, 37-50.

Basic Consideration In Making A Plan And Putting A Plan Into Effect: Principles, Issues And Methods, Seminar on Basic Consideration in State Level Planning for Older People, Arden House, Harriman, NY., March 4 – 9,1962; 14 pages

“A Conceptual Theory of Cooperation,” American Journal of Sociology. Vol. LIV, No. 2, September 1948,126-134.

“Experiments in Testing for Leadership.” American Journal of Sociology Vol. LIl, No. 6, May 1947, 523-535.

From The Diary of a German City, Report to U.S. Supreme Headquarters, Commander of the 4th Mobile Radio Broadcasting Company about the occupied small city of Würselen, November 23 – 29, 1944, 1-11

Exploring Tomorrow’s Agriculture, (New York, Harper and Brothers, 1943)

“Can We Learn From the ’Green’ Towns”, Eastern States Cooperator, Vol 18, No 11, November 1942

“Jewish Agricultural Colonization in Palestine: A Sociological Experiment In Collectivism”, Rural Sociology, Vol. 5, No. 4, September 1940

“An Arab-Jewish Federated State: Union Now Proposed for Palestine, Transjordania and Lebanon,”, The Living Age , July 1940, 438 – 443

Crime and Delinquency

Influencing the Youth Culture: A Study of Youth Organization in Israel, in collaboration with Michael Chen (Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, 1970).

“Manpower Strategy in the Correctional Field” (with Manachem Amir), in Council on Social Work Education, Manpower and Training for Corrections. Proceedings of Arden House Conference, 1966, 71-96.

Social Organization and Behavior, A Reader in General Sociology. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1964, 12-20; and in abridged form in Lowrie Nelson, Coolie Verner and Charles E. Ramsey. Community Structure and Change Macmillan Company, 1960, 285-289.

Prisons in Israel (Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1964). Hebrew translation published in Jerusalem, Israel by the Institute of Criminology of the Hebrew University and the Ministry of Police.

Stone Walls Not a Prison Make: the Anatomy of Planned Administrative Change (Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, Co., 1962).

Measuring Delinquency, with Kenneth Polk (Pittsburgh, PA: The University of Pittsburgh Press, 1961).

Medical and Higher Education

“Socialism and Higher Education,” in Proceedings, Colloquium on The University and Social Welfare. Jerusalem, Israel: Magnes Press, 1969, 74-82.

“Observations of First-Year Students in Preceptoral Groups,” (with Milton J. Horovitz and Joseph L. Brozgal. Journal of Medical Education Vol. 33, No. 2, February 1959, 118-131.

“On Dollars and the Behavioral Sciences: Two Basic Issues of University Planning,” Journal of Higher Education, Spring 1956.

“The Social Science Content of a Medical Curriculum.” American Sociological Review. Vol. 21, No. 5, October 1956.

Research and Evaluation

The Future As Probability, World Future Society Bulletin, Volume XIII, No.4, July-August 1979, 27 – 32

“Commentary on the Social Context of Evaluation,” in William C. Sze and June G. Hopps, Evaluation and Accountability in Human Service Programs, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Schenkman Publishing Company, 1974, 36-40.

Evaluation of the Medicare and Medicaid Programs, a technical report financed by the U.S. Public Health Service (Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh, 1969-1972), 1972.

“The Cost of Not Doing Research - An Attempt at Sociological Cost Accounting,” Population Review. 1963, 6 (2) July 118-121.

“Symbolic and Substantive Evaluative Research,” Administrative Science Quarterly. Vol. 6, No. 4, March 1962, 421-442.

“Personnel Research in the U.S. Army.” Personnel, American Management Association, Vol, XXIII, 1948

Public Policy

Privacy Card: A Low Cost Strategy to Combat Terrorism, with a foreword by Amitai Etzioni (Lanham, Md., Rowman and Littlefield, 2003).

“Hearing on Preserving The Integrity of Government Documents”, Testimony of Joseph W. Eaton before the Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, March 22, 1995, House of Representatives, 1995

“Use of Social Security Number As A National Identifier”, Testimony ofJoseph W. Eaton, Subcommittee on Social Security, Committee on Ways and Means, House of Representatives, February 27, 1991, Serial 102 – 11: 32 - 42

Communist-Capitalism, with Professor Yurij Lvov, (Leningrad and Pittsburgh, PA: MicroManagement Research Associates, 1991).

“Bureaucratic, Capitalist and Populist Privatization Strategies”, International Review of Administrative Sciences, 1989.

“Privatization: An Emerging Force,” Byavasthapan , Management Association of Nepal, February 1988:21-33.

The Card Carrying American: Security, Privacy and the National ID Card Controversy. (Totowa, NJ: Allanheld and Rowman, May 1986).

“ID- Thoughts on a World Standard”, International Security Review (UNISAF), September – October 1983: 56 - 58

Gambling: Racket or Public Utility – A Science Brief for Legalized Numbers Games, Police, The Journal Covering The Professional Interests of All Law Enforcement Personnel, Vol. 12, No. 4, 1968, 30 – 33

National Service and Forced Labor, in Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol. 12, March 1968, pp. 129 - 34

“A California Triviality.” The Crisis.Vol. LVII, No. 5, May 1950, 294-335.

“Canada's Scapegoat,” The Nation. Vol. CLXIX, No. II, September 1949, 253-254.

VIII. International Relations

EU Membership for Middle East Nations: Pro’s and Con’s”, in The End of Sovereignty? – A Transatlantic Perspective, LIT Verlag, Muenster, Germany, 2006

“Negotiation Strategies in Transboundary Water Disputes” with David J. Eaton, in Jacques Ganoulis, Lucien Duckstein, Peter Literathy and Istvan Bogardi, Editors, Transboundary Water Management, Springer Verlag, 1999

“Commentary on “Global Interdependence and Internal Migration,” Capital Technology and Labor in the New Global Economy, Arthur F. Burns, Lewis M. Branscomb, Yotaro Kobayashi and Steven L. Husted, editors (Washington: American Enterprise Institute, 1988), pp. 187-191.

Preface, Annotated Guide Global Development, Guy Gran (Olney, Md: University of Pittsburgh and Resources For Development and Democracy, 1987), pp. i-v.

“Privatsphare im Zeitalter der Silikon-Chips,” in Juergen Taeger, Per Neue Personalausweis, (Herausgeber, Reinbeck bei Hamburg, German Federal Republic, Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, G.M.B.H., 1984), pp. 182-191.

“Le Viellissement Cooperatif,” in H. Desroche, N. Kopnicki, Y.H. Landau and P. Rambaud, Societes Villageoises Auto Development Interpretations Paris: Mounton, 1974, 46-51.

“Deterrence and Peace,” in Jules H. Masserman and John H. Schwab, Man for Humanity. Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, 1972, 256-268.


Privacy Card: A Low Cost Strategy to Combat Terrorism, with a foreword by Amitai Etzioni (Lanham, Md., Rowman and Littlefield, 2003).

Communist-Capitalism, with Professor Yurij Lvov, (Leningrad and Pittsburgh, PA: MicroManagement Research Associates, 1991).

The Card Carrying American: Security, Privacy and the National ID Card Controversy. (Totowa, NJ: Allanheld and Rowman, May 1986).

Can Business Save South Africa? American Universities Field Staff Report No. 20 (Hanover, New Hampshire, 1980).

The Rurban Village with David Solomonico, MA, Gavrush Nehuschtan, MA. and Rebeccah Matthews MA), Rehovoth, Israel, Settlement Study Centre, 1979.

Institution Building From Concepts to Application: A Book of Readings, editor (Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications, 1972).

Evaluation of the Medicare and Medicaid Programs, a technical report financed by the U.S. Public Health Service (Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh, 1969-1972), Joseph W. Eaton, Project Director 1972.

Migration and Social Welfare, Editor (New York: National Association of Social Workers, 1971).

Influencing the Youth Culture: A Study of Youth Organization in Israel, in collaboration with Michael Chen (Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, 1970).

Prisons in Israel (Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1964). Hebrew translation published in Jerusalem, Israel by the Institute of Criminology of the Hebrew University and the Ministry of Police.

Stone Walls Not a Prison Make: the Anatomy of Planned Administrative Change (Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, Co., 1962).

Measuring Delinquency, with Kenneth Polk (Pittsburgh, PA: The University of Pittsburgh Press, 1961).

Culture and Mental Disorders A Comparative Study of the Hutterites and Other Populations, in collaboration with Robert J. Weil (Glencoe, Illinois: The Free Press, 1955).

Man's Capacity to Reproduce: The Demography of a Unique Population, with Albert Mayer (Glencoe, Illinois: The Free Press, 1954). Reprinted from Human Biology, vol. 24, no. 3 (September 1953). The data were also summarized in a special issue of Population Reference Bureau, vol. 10, no. 8 (December 1954), and vol. 24, no, 2 (November 1968).

Exploring Tomorrow’s Agriculture, (New York, Harper and Brothers, 1943)

Book Chapters

EU Membership for Middle East Nations: Pro’s and Con’s”, in The End of Sovereignty? – A Transatlantic Perspective, LIT Verlag, Muenster, Germany, 2006

“The Achievement in Crisis: Management of the Unforeseen,” Handbook of Comparative and Development Public Administration, second ed. Ali Farazmand, editor (New York and Basel: Marcel Dekker, Inc. 2001).

“Negotiation Strategies in Transboundary Water Disputes” with David J. Eaton, in Jacques Ganoulis, Lucien Duckstein, Peter Literathy and Istvan Bogardi, Editors, Transboundary Water Management, Springer Verlag, 1999

“Hearing on Preserving The Integrity of Government Documents”, Testimony of Joseph W. Eaton before the Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, March 22, 1995, House of Representatives, 1995

“Use of Social Security Number As A National Identifier”, Testimony ofJoseph W. Eaton, Subcommittee on Social Security, Committee on Ways and Means, House of Representatives, February 27, 1991, Serial 102 – 11: 32 - 42

“The Achievement Crisis,” Handbook of Comparative and Development Public Administration, Ali Farazmand editor (New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1990).

“Commentary on “Global Interdependence and Internal Migration,” Capital Technology and Labor in the New Global Economy, Arthur F. Burns, Lewis M. Branscomb, Yotaro Kobayashi and Steven L. Husted, editors (Washington: American Enterprise Institute, 1988), pp. 187-191.

Preface, Annotated Guide Global Development, Guy Gran (Olney, Md: University of Pittsburgh and Resources For Development and Democracy, 1987), pp. i-v.

“Privatsphare im Zeitalter der Silikon-Chips,” in Juergen Taeger, Per Neue Personalausweis, (Herausgeber, Reinbeck bei Hamburg, German Federal Republic, Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, G.M.B.H., 1984), pp. 182-191.

“Stress in Social Work Practice”, in White Collar and Professional Stress, edited by C.L. Cooper and J. Marshall, New York, JohnWiley and Sons, 1980. pp. 167 – 185

“The Rurban Village,” in Trends in Urban Planning, by D. Soen, with David Solominico and Gavrush Nehuschtan (Itasca, Illinois: FE. Peacock, Publishers, 1977), pp. 55-71.

“Who Speaks for the Poor,” The Planning of Change, third edition, Benne, Bennis, Chin and Corey (Holt, Rinehart and Winston, May 1976).

“Newism and the Scientific Social Movement, ” in Social Psychiatry, ed. Jules H. Masserman and John J. Schwab (London: Grune and Stratton, 1974), vol. I, pp. 49-56.

“Le Viellissement Cooperatif,” in H. Desroche, N. Kopnicki, Y.H. Landau and P. Rambaud, Societes Villageoises Auto Development Interpretations Paris: Mounton, 1974, 46-51.

“Commentary on the Social Context of Evaluation,” in William C. Sze and June G. Hopps, Evaluation and Accountability in Human Service Programs, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Schenkman Publishing Company, 1974,36-40.

“Deterrence and Peace,” in Jules H. Masserman and John H. Schwab, Man for Humanity. Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, 1972, 256-268.

“Planning and Development: An Ideological Typology,” and “Institution Building: The Gadna Youth Corps,” in D. Woods Thomas, et al., Institution Building: A Model for Applied Social Change, Boston, Massachusetts: Shenkman Publishing Company, 1972, 421-442.

“The Mental Health of the Hutterites,” in lhsan A1-lssa and Wayne Dennies (eds.), Cross-Cultural Studies of Behavior. 1970, 445-454.

“Socialism and Higher Education,” in Proceedings, Colloquium on The University and Social Welfare. Jerusalem, Israel: Magnes Press, 1969, 74-82.

“Foreword” to second edition of Morton Grodzin's Metropolitan Area as a Racial Problem Pittsburgh, Pa., University of Pittsburgh Press, 1969, v-vi.

National Service and Forced Labor, in Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol. 12, March 1968, pp. 129 - 34

“The Immobile Poor,” in Thomas Sherard (ed.). Social Welfare and Urban Problems New York: Columbia University Press, 1968, 62-83.

“Social Biology of Very High Fertility: The Demography of a Unique Population,” in Charles B. Nam, Population and Society. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1968, 279-284,

Racial Discrimination and Diagnostic Differentiation, with Neil Gilbert, in Race, Research and Reason, Institute on Research Toward Improving Race Relations, National Association of Social Workers, 1967, pp. 79 – 88

“Soziologische Variable für die Diagnostik Emotionaler Störungen,” in Medizin and Soziologie Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 1967, 130-140.

“Manpower Strategy in the Correctional Field” (with Manachem Amir), in Council on Social Work Education, Manpower and Training for Corrections. Proceedings of Arden House Conference, 1966, 71-96.

Social Organization and Behavior, A Reader in General Sociology. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1964, 12-20; and in abridged form in Lowrie Nelson, Coolie Verner and Charles E. Ramsey. Community Structure and Change Macmillan Company, 1960, 285-289.

Chapter on Hutterites, in Arnold M. Rose (ed.), Mental Health and Mental Disorders. W. W. Morton Company, 1955, 233-239; also Eric and Mary Josephson. Man Alone: Alienation in Modern Society. A Bell Press Paper, 1961; also reprinted in Thomas Scheff, Mental Illness and Social Processes Harper and Row, 1967, 92-101; also in M. Weinberg and Oscar E. Shabat. Society and Man Prentice-Hall, 1956, 1965, Stephen B. Shitzer and Norman K. Denzin, The Mental Patient. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1968, 184-190.

Basic Consideration In Making A Plan And Putting A Plan Into Effect: Principles, Issues And Methods, Seminar on Basic Consideration in State Level Planning for Older People, Arden House, Harriman, ,NY., March 4 – 9,1962; 14 pages

“A Scientific Basis for Helping,” in Alfred J. Kahn (ed.), Current Issues in Social Work, Columbia University Press, 1959.

Journal Articles

“Low Prevalence of Psychoses Among the Hutterites, an Isolated Religious Community”, American Journal of Psychiatry. Vol. 157, No, 7:1065-1070, 2000.

“Bureaucratic, Capitalist and Populist Privatization Strategies”, International Review of Administrative Sciences, 1989.

“Privatization: An Emerging Force,” Byavasthapan , Management Association of Nepal, February 1988:21-33.

“ID- Thoughts on a World Standard”, International Security Review (UNISAF), September – October 1983: 56 - 58

“Liberia: Anatomy of a Revolution”, Pitt, November 1980, Supplement, pp 7 – 11

The Knowledge Basis of Planning, World Future Society Bulletin, Volume XIV, No. 6, November – December 1980, pp.23 – 30

Errors and Mistakes in Social Practice, Administration in Social Work, Volume 4(1), Spring 1980, pp.43 - 54

The Future As Probability, World Future Society Bulletin, Volume XIII, No.4, July-August 1979, pp. 27 – 32

Gambling: Racket or Public Utility – A Science Brief for Legalized Numbers Games, Police, The Journal Covering The Professional Interests of All Law Enforcement Personnel, Vol. 12, No. 4, 1968, March April30 – 33

Education for Public Service, School and Society, October 14, 1967, pp. 358 - 360

“The Art of Aging and Dying”, The Gerontologist Vol. 4, No. 2, Part I, June 1964, 66-73.

Adolescence In A Communal Society, in Mental Hygiene, Vol. 48, No. 1, January 1964, pp 66-73

“Folk Psychiatry.” New Society Vol. 2, No, 48, August 29, 1963.

“Pastoral Counseling in a Metropolitan Suburb,” Journal of Pastoral Care with Edward W. Speth, Arthur Goldberg and Mary Avid Todd, Vol. 17, No. 2, Summer 1963.

“The Cost of Not Doing Research - An Attempt at Sociological Cost Accounting,” Population Review. 1963, 6, 2, July 118-121.

“Role Expectations: The Social Workers Look in the Mirror,” Public Administration Review. 1963, 170-176.

“Community Development Ideologies,” International Review of Community Development, 1963. Translated and Published also in French and Spanish editions, 37-50.

“Symbolic and Substantive Evaluative Research,” Administrative Science Quarterly. Vol. 6, No. 4, March 1962,421-442..

“The Relevancy of Social Work for Sociology,” Sociology and Social Research. Vol. 43, No. 3, January-February 1959.

“Observations of First-Year Students in Preceptoral Groups,” (with Milton J. Horovitz and Joseph L. Brozgal. Journal of Medical Education Vol. 33, No. 2, February 1959, 118-131.

“Science, “Art” and Uncertainty in Social Work.” Social Work. Vol. 3, July 1958, 3-10.

“Psychiatric Treatment Under Social Psychological Coercion: A Group Psycho-Therapy Program for Criminal Offenders in the Community,” with Albert Labin, MD), California Medicine,Vol. 88, No, I, January 1958, 22-25.

“On the Validity of Treatment Evaluation by Client Associates,” Group Psychology, Vol. 21, No. 5, October 1956.

“On Dollars and the Behavioral Sciences: Two Basic Issues of University Planning,” Journal of Higher Education, Spring 1956.

“The Social Science Content of a Medical Curriculum.” American Sociological Review. Vol. 21, No. 5, October 1956.

“Whence and Whither Social Work?” Social Work, Vol. 1, No. 1, January 1956, 11-26.

“A Social Science Approach to Nursery School Teaching,” Child Welfare June 1955, 1-6.

“Some Epidemiological Findings in the Hutterite Mental Health Study” (with Robert J. Weil), Interrelations Between the Social Environment and Psychiatric Disorders, Milbank Memorial Fund 1953, pp 222-231.

“Why Workers Yell” (with H. Ray Stricker and Emile N. Asa), Personnel Vol. 29. No. 1, July 1952, 32-36.

“Controlled Acculturation: A Survival Technique of the Hutterites.” American Sociological Review Vol. XVII, No. 3, June 1952, 331-340. Reprinted in Richard L. Simpson and Ida Harper Simpson, editors.

“The Group Farm”, Cooperative Living, Spring 1952, Vol. III, No. 3, 1952

“Un Experimente con una Granja en la que se rividen las Genancias,” Revista Mexican De Sociologia Vol. Xlii, No. 3, September-December 1951,389-399.

“Psychotherapeutic Principles in Social Research” (with Robert S. Weil), Psychiatry Vol. XVI, No. 4, November 1951,439-454.

“The Assessment of Mental Health.” American Journal of Psychiatry Vol. 198, August 1951, 81-90.

“The Hutterite Mental Health Study” (with Robert J. Weil and Bert Kaplan), Mennonite Quarterly Review. January 1951,3-19.

“A California Triviality.” The Crisis.Vol. LVII, No. 5, May 1950, 294-335.

“Canada's Scapegoat,” The Nation. Vol. CLXIX, No. II, September 1949, 253-254.

“A Conceptual Theory of Cooperation,” American Journal of Sociology. Vol. LIV, No. 2, September 1948,126-134.

“Experiments in Testing for Leadership.” American Journal of Sociology Vol. LIl, No. 6, May 1947, 523-535.

“Personnel Research in the U.S. Army.” Personnel, American Management Association, Vol, XXIII,

From The Diary of a German City, Report to U.S. Supreme Headquarters, Commander of the 4th Mobile Radio Broadcasting Company about the occupied small city of Würselen, November 23 – 29, 1944, 1-11

“Can We Learn From the ’Green’ Towns”, Eastern States Cooperator, Vol 18, No 11, November 1942

“Jewish Agricultural Colonization in Palestine: A Sociological Experiment In Collectivism”, Rural Sociology, Vol. 5, No. 4, September 1940

“An Arab-Jewish Federated State; Union Now Proposed for Palestine, Transjordania and Lebanon,”, The Living Age , July 1940, 438 – 443

Book Reviews, Editorials, & Public Testimony

Statement of Joseph Eaton on Identification Document Security: Issues and Options” Subcommittee on Courts . Committee on the Judiciary of the United States Senate, chaired by Senator Robert Dole, Room 226 Dirkson Building, October 5, 1983

Middle East Book Review, Journal of Public and International Affairs. Vol. 5, No. 1 (Winter 1984)

National Youth Service: Rx for the Urban Crisis, Letter section of Editorial Page. The New York Times, Sunday, July 31, 1977

ocial Action Proposals

On Ending Revenge Into The Fourth Generation, A Social Action Proposal To The Turkish Government dealing with the Armenian Genocide Issue, 1990, 2006. Typed, 6 pages.

External Reviews

Valley Farms: Author returns after 64 years to Depression-era co-op site”, Susan Randall, Staff writer of Tri Valley Dispatch, Casa Grande Arizona, April 26 and 27, 200, 1A, 2A, 14A. 16A.

Review of the Eaton book New Deal Cooperative Farming Program analyzed in “Exploring Tomorrow’s Agriculture” in light of evidence of its impact 64 years after the original evidence had been collected, including interviews with former members.

“Foreword to The Privacy Card”, Amitai Etzioni, The Privacy Card, Lanham, Boulder, New York and Oxford, Rowman and Littlefield, 2002, pp ix – x. It reviews the public policy implications of the data presented in the book.

“Prevalence of Psychosis Among the Hutterites: A Reanalysis of the 1950-53 Study”, E. Fuller Torrey, Schizophrenia Research Vol. 16:167-170. 1995. This report reviewed the epidemiological findings of the Eaton - Weil book, Culture and Mental Disorders, 1955. He re-diagnosed all cases on the basis of their clinical files, and confirmed the findings of the original study.

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