Relative interior

Relative interior

In mathematics, the relative interior of a set is a refinement of the concept of the interior, which is often more useful when dealing with low-dimensional sets placed in higher-dimensional spaces. Intuitively, the relative interior of a set contains all points which are not on the "edge" of the set, relative to the smallest subspace in which this set lies.

Formally, the relative interior of a set "S" (denoted ext{relint}(S)) is defined as its interior within the affine hull of "S". In other words,: ext{relint}(S) = { x in S : exists epsilon > 0, (N_epsilon(x) cap ext{aff}(S)) subset S },where ext{aff}(S) is the affine hull of "S", and N_epsilon(x) is a ball of radius epsilon centered on x. Any metric can be used for the construction of the ball; all metrics define the same set as the relative interior.


* cite book
last = Boyd
first = Stephen
coauthors = Lieven Vandenberghe
title = Convex Optimization
publisher = Cambridge University Press
date = 2004
location = Cambridge
pages = p. 23
url =
id = ISBN 0 521 83378 7

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