

Wolofal is a derivation of the Arabic script for writing the Wolof language. It is basically the name of a West African Ajami script as used for that language.

Wolofal was the first script for writing Wolof language. Although latin alphabet is the official script of the language in today's Senegal, wolofal is still used by many people as the simbol of Wolof-Islam culture.


* Mamadou Cissé: "« Graphical borrowing and African realities »" in Revue du Musée National d'Ethnologie d'Osaka, Japan, June 2000.
* Mamadou Cissé: "« Ecrits et écritures en Afrique de l'Ouest »" in Sud Langues [http://www.sudlangues.sn/IMG/pdf/doc-135.pdf] June 2006.
* [http://www.panafril10n.org/wikidoc/pmwiki.php/PanAfrLoc/Wolof PanAfriL10n Wolof]

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