Canonical line bundle

Canonical line bundle

The canonical or tautological line bundle on a projective space appears frequently in mathematics, often in the study of characteristic classes. Note that there is possible confusion with the theory of the canonical class in algebraic geometry; for which reason the name "tautological" is preferred in some contexts. See also tautological bundle.


Form the cartesian product mathbf{R} P^n imesmathbf{R}^{n+1}, with the first factor denoting real projective "n"-space. We consider the subset

:E(gamma^n):=ig{({pm;x},v)inmathbf{R}P^n imesmathbf{R}^{n+1}:v=lambda x,;lambdainmathbf{R}ig}. We have an obvious projection map pi:E(gamma^n) omathbf{R}P^n, with ({pm;x},v)mapsto{pm;x}. Each fibre of pi is then the line through x and -x inside Euclidean ("n"+1)-space. Giving each fibre the induced vector space structure we obtain the bundle:gamma^n:=(E(gamma^n) omathbf{R}P^n), the canonical line bundle over mathbf{R}P^n.


*gamma^n is locally trivial but not trivial, for ngeq 1.

In fact, it is straightforward to show that, for n=1, the canonical line bundle is none other than the well-known bundle whose total space is the Möbius strip. For a full proof of the above fact, see [J. Milnor & J. Stasheff, "Characteristic Classes", Princeton, 1974.] .

ee also

*Stiefel-Whitney class.


* [M+S] J. Milnor & J. Stasheff, "Characteristic Classes", Princeton, 1974.

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