Participatory development communication

Participatory development communication

Participatory development communication refers to the use of mass media and traditional, inter-personal means of communication that empowers communities to visualise aspirations and discover solutions to their development problems and issues.

External links

* [ INVOLVING THE COMMUNITY A Guide to Participatory Development]
* [ Participatory Communication for Development]
* [ National sovereignity through decentralization] - an essay on participatory decentralized development

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • Communication for sustainable social change and development — involves the use of variety of communication techniques to address inefficient systems, processes, or modes of production within a specific location that has not incurred major technological advances. Different mediums and approaches are used to… …   Wikipedia

  • Participatory Medicine — is a model of medical care in which the role of the patient is emphasized. Participatory Medicine has been used at least as early as 2000 to mean one or more of four interrelated ideas: * A group of people who suffer from a chronic disease form a …   Wikipedia

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