List of lighthouses and lightvessels in Chile

List of lighthouses and lightvessels in Chile

This is a "list of lighthouses and lightvessels in Chile" ordered by latitude from north to south.

*Arica y Parinacota Region
**Faro Limitrofe (1972-)
*Tarapacá Region
**Faro Península Serrano
**Faro Punta Gruesa
*Atacama Region
**Faro Punta Caldera (1947-)
**Faro Monumental Chañaral (Also know as "Faro del Milenio") (2000-)
*Coquimbo Region
**Faro Monumental La Serena (1950-)
**Faro Punta Tortuga (1886-)
*Valparaíso Region
**Faro Península Los Molles (1944-)
**Faro Punta cordell (in its current place since 1987)
**Faro Punta Duprat
*Los Ríos Region
**Faro Morro Niebla
*Los Lagos Region
**Faro Corona
**Faro Isla Guafo (1907-)
*Aysen Region
**Faro Cabo Raper (1914-2001)
*Magallanes Region
**Faro Islote Evangelistas(1892-2001)
**Faro Punta Dungenes (1899-2001)
**Faro Cabo de Hornos (1991-), the southernmost lighthouse in the world.


* [ Lighthouses of Chile]

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