

A cache-sexe is an item, often a small garment, that covers its user's genitals. [" [ Cache-sexe] ," "Webster's New Millennium Dictionary of English", Preview Edition (v 0.9.7), via] The most common style, seen in Western G-strings and Japanese Fundoshis, has a triangle of material (cloth, beaded strings, etc.) attached at the corners to straps or strings around the waist and between the legs, that fasten the triangle over the genitals.

Cache-sexes have various social intentions, including the wearer's practice of sincere or enforced "modesty", legal and/or customary restrictions within the context of intentional eroticism, and adding fetishistic or playfully teasing aspects to intentional eroticism. In Western cultures, for example, G-strings appear as swimming attire; for many erotic dancing venues, as the final state of undress, set as the polite and/or legal limit; or as a garment whose removal is one of many steps of a striptease, each existing to provide an increment in the viewer's sexual arousal.

Male cross-dressers use a panty-like garment, often called a gaff, that serves to hide the male genitalia and provide a female-like flat and smooth crotch area. [" [ Cache Sex - How do they work?] ," Transformation Ltd.] [" [ Penis - methods of concealment and obtaining a 'flat-look' for pre-op male-to-female transgender people] ," Samantha Johnson, Transgender Zone.]

The penis gourds of tribal New Guinea, and cache-sexes of some other tribal cultures, are often perceived by Westerners as self-evidently obvious forms of sexual display, but described by their wearers as a practice providing privacy.

See also


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  • cache-sexe — [ kaʃsɛks ] n. m. • fin XIXe; de 1. cacher et sexe ♦ Petit triangle d étoffe couvrant le bas ventre, culotte minuscule. ⇒ 2. slip, string. Des cache sexes ou des cache sexe. Par appos. « Les femmes n ont d autre vêtement qu une feuille cache sexe …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • cache-sexe — 1926, from Fr., from cacher to hide (see CACHE (Cf. cache)) + sexe genitals (fem.) …   Etymology dictionary

  • cache-sexe — [kȧsh′seks΄] n. 〚Fr < cacher, to hide (see CACHE) + sexe, sex〛 a small cloth or band worn, as by an otherwise nude dancer, to conceal the genitals * * * …   Universalium

  • cache-sexe — [kȧsh′seks΄] n. [Fr < cacher, to hide (see CACHE) + sexe, sex] a small cloth or band worn, as by an otherwise nude dancer, to conceal the genitals …   English World dictionary

  • cache-sexe — /kaʃ sɛks/ s.m., fr. (propr. nascondi sesso ), in ital. invar. [slip ridottissimo] ▶◀ perizoma, tanga. ⇑ mutandina, slip …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • cache-sexe — /fr. kaʃˈsɛks/ [vc. fr., propr. «nascondi sesso»] s. m. inv. CFR. perizoma, tanga, string …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • cache-sexe — noun an article of clothing sufficient to cover the genitalia, primarily as used by an exotic dancer or in certain aboriginal cultures ...everyone, man or woman, must put on a little triangle of cloth, a cache sexe, a G string, before going… …   Wiktionary

  • Cache-sexe —    фр. плавки, в англ. одежда, прикрывающая только генитальную зону:    ஐ В ней доминирует особенно в ее классике футурологическое викториантство, заменяющее транзисторными cache sexe отмирающие фиговые листки . Фантастика и футурология …   Мир Лема - словарь и путеводитель

  • cache-sexe — Priver du regard la zone pubienne paraît bien être un souci féminin universel des peuples qui vivent (presque) nus. Contrairement à l’étui pénien, qui protège autant qu’il enjolive, le «cache sexe» féminin est affaire de coquetterie, et… …   Dictionnaire de Sexologie

  • cache-sexe — /ˈkʌʃ sɛks/ (say kush seks) noun a minimal covering for the genitalia. {French, from cache(r) to hide + sexe genitalia} …  

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