

Bianchi, a plural of bianco ("white" in Italian), is a frequent proper name, and may refer, among others, to:Family name
name = Bianchi

pronunciation =
meaning = White-haired or pale
region = Italy
origin = Italy
related names =
footnotes = [ [ Behind the Name: Search Results ] ]


*Andrea Bianchi, an Italian film director
*Artemio Danilo Bianchi, a current Cavaliere della Republica
*Bruno Bianchi
*Carlos Bianchi is a former Argentine football (soccer) player and coach
*Craig Bianchi, a South African soccer player
*Daniela Bianchi, an actress
*Diana Bianchi
*Emilio Bianchi, a 19th/20th-century Italian orbit computer, honoured by the minor planets 521 Brixia, 674 Rachele, and 1423 Jose
*Francesco Bianchi, a Renaissance painter
*Frederick Bianchi, an American-born composer
*Gilda Bianchi, Argentine singer
*Jules Bianchi, French racing driver
*Kenneth Bianchi, American serial killer
*Michael A. Bianchi, columnist for the Orlando Sentinel
*Luigi Bianchi, a leading Italian mathematician of the late 19th-early 20th centuries.
*Michele Bianchi, a founding member of the Fascist movement.
*Ottavio Bianchi, a former coach for a number Serie A teams.
*Rolando Bianchi, a current striker for Torino F.C.
*Bianchi, a fictional character in the manga series Reborn!


*Bianchi (bicycle manufacturer), a company that manufactures bicycles, and has manufactured cars and motorcycles.
*Bianchi (motorcycles), a line of Italian motorcycles made from 1897 to 1967.
*Bianchi (lorry manufacturer), a company that merged into Autobianchi in 1955.
*Bianchi International is a leather product manufacturer based in Temecula, California.
*Bianchi Jeanswear a Colombian fashion clothing brand based in Medellín, Colombia.


*Team Bianchi, cycling team participating in the 2003 Tour de France.
*Liquigas-Bianchi, a cycling team created from the merger of Team Bianchi with the Liquigas team


*Bianchi is a commune in the province of Cosenza, southern Italy

Historical Usage

*the Bianchi, an early 15th‑century penitential movement


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