Dry goods are products such as textiles, ready-to-wear clothing, and sundries. [1] In U.S. retailing, a dry goods store carries consumer goods that are distinct from those carried by hardware stores and grocery stores[1], though "dry goods" as a term for textiles has been dated back to 1742 in England[1] or even a century earlier.[2] Dry goods can be carried by stores specializing only in those products (a type of specialty store), or may be carried by a general store or a department store.[3]
dry goods — ➔ goods * * * dry goods UK US noun [plural] COMMERCE ► (UK products that do not contain liquid, for example, tea, sugar, and flour: »Use canisters to protect your rice, flour, cereal, and other dry goods from going stale. ► US products such as… … Financial and business terms
dry goods — n [plural] 1.) goods such as tobacco, tea, and coffee that do not contain liquid 2.) AmE things that are made from cloth such as clothes, sheets, and curtains ▪ a dry goods store … Dictionary of contemporary English
Dry goods — A commercial name for textile fabrics, cottons, woolens, linen, silks, laces, etc., in distinction from groceries. [U.S.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dry goods — dry ,goods noun plural 1. ) AMERICAN things made of cloth, for example sheets and curtains 2. ) BRITISH goods such as tea, coffee, and flour that contain no liquid … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
dry goods — dry′ goods n. pl. bus textile fabrics and related merchandise, as distinguished esp. from groceries and hardware • Etymology: 1695–1705 … From formal English to slang
dry goods — n. cloth, cloth products, thread, etc … English World dictionary
Dry goods — Good Good, n. 1. That which possesses desirable qualities, promotes success, welfare, or happiness, is serviceable, fit, excellent, kind, benevolent, etc.; opposed to evil. [1913 Webster] There be many that say, Who will show us any good ? Ps. iv … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dry goods — (Roget s IV) n. Syn. cloth, clothes, yard goods, yardage, bolt goods, furnishings, textiles, fabrics, cloth materials. Dry goods include: woolens, woven goods, knit goods, worsted, rayon, acetate, Orlon (trademark), jersey, nylon, artificial silk … English dictionary for students
dry goods — noun (plural) 1 goods such as tobacco, tea, coffee 2 AmE things that are made from cloth such as clothes, sheets, and curtains: a dry goods store … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
dry goods — N PLURAL Dry goods are cloth, thread, and other things that are sold at a draper s shop. [AM] (in BRIT, use , haberdashery) … English dictionary