František Langer

František Langer

František Langer (3 March 1888 – 2 August 1965), was a Czech playwright, military physician, script writer, essayist, literary critic and publicist. He was born and died in Prague.


Langer, as a physician, served in Czechoslovak Legions in Russia during the World War I. In 1935-38 he worked as dramatic adviser in "Městské divadlo" in Prague, Vinohrady and as a commander of a Prague military hospital (rank of colonel). World War II he spend in England as a member of Czechoslovakian army abroad (brigade general).


The main focus of Langer´s work is in drama:

*"Velbloub uchem jehly" (1923)
*"Grandhotel Nevada" (1927)
*"Obrácení Ferdyše Pištory" (1929)
*"Jízdní hlídka" (1935)
*"Dvaasedmdesátka" (1937)

*"Železný vlk" (1923) - short stories


Balajka, Bohuš: "Přehledné dějiny literatury". Prague: Fortuna, 2005. ISBN 80-7168-781-2

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* [ Bibliography (in Czech)]

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