

Lenard’s is an Australia-wide chain of retailing outlets that specialises in fresh and value-added chicken products. While Lenard’s operates on a franchising business model, some stores are company owned.

Lenard’s has sold more than 400 million chickens, served more than 130 million customers and injected more than $1 billion into the Australian poultry market since the first store opened in 1987. The revenue for the last financial year exceeded $140 million and has been growing at an average annual rate of 5% over the last three years.


In 1987, Master Butcher Lenard Poulter identified a niche market for value-added chicken products, tailoring meal solutions to customers' busy lifestyles. It soon became clear that for the continued success of the concept, dedicated management was needed – people who felt as passionately about the business as Lenard did, and had a vested interest in seeing the company grow and succeed. The answer was in franchising. The concept proved so successful that Lenard’s has now grown to 184 stores throughout Australia.


In 2007 Lenard's multiple Franchise Owner Dianne Williams won the PricewaterhouseCoopers QLD/NT Franchise Woman of the Year Award. In 2006 Lenard’s won the PricewaterhouseCoopers Franchise Media Campaign of the Year Award for its “We invent. You cook.” national television advertisement and associated media campaign. Lenard’s also won the National Retail Association Best Food Retailer Award for 2006 as well as 2005.

External links

* [http://www.lenards.com.au Lenard's Australian Website]

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