- Eurypterus
image_caption = "Eurypterus remipes"
fossil_range = LateSilurian
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Arthropod a
subphylum =Chelicerata
classis =Eurypterida
superfamily =Eurypteridae
family =Eurypteridae
genus = "Eurypterus""Eurypterus" is an extinct
genus ofsea scorpion of the lateSilurian period, inhabiting muddy bottoms about 420 million years ago, in what is now theUnited States . Like mostEurypterids , "Eurypterus" had a sharp needle-liketelson , probably used in combat.The genus is the state fossil of
New York .pecies
* "E. clevelandi"
* "E. cestrotus"
* "E. remipes"
* "E. fischeri"
* "E. kokomoensis"
* "E. boyli"
* ?"E. abbreviatus"
* ?"E. overathi"External links
* [http://earth.geology.yale.edu/~deb47/pics/eurypterid.jpgFossil example: Eurypteraceae specimen: "Eurypterus sp"] ; [http://earth.geology.yale.edu/~deb47/index.cgi?page-selection=2 Article] – earth.geology.yale.edu - "Dept of Geology and Geophysics, Briggs Laboratory"
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