- Miller-Dieker syndrome
Caption =
DiseasesDB = 29494
ICD10 =
ICD9 = ICD9|758.33
OMIM = 247200
MedlinePlus =
eMedicineSubj =
eMedicineTopic =
MeshID = D054221Miller-Dieker syndrome is a
disease characterised by a developmental defect of thebrain , caused by incompleteneuronal migration .Presentation
brain is smooth (also known aslissencephaly ), has an absence of sulci and gyri, has acerebral cortex 4 layers thick instead of 6 and showsmicrocephaly . There is a characteristic facial appearance, delayed growth and mental development, and multiple abnormalities of thebrain ,heart ,kidney andgastrointestinal tract .Failure to thrive , feeding difficulties,seizure s and decreased spontaneous activity are often seen, anddeath tends to occur ininfancy and childhood.Genetics
Originally thought to be an
autosomal recessive disorder, it is now known to be an autosomaldominant disorder, and ahaploinsufficiency of one or moregene s onchromosome 17p.The disease arises from the
deletion of part of 17p (which includes both theLIS1 and14-3-3 epsilon gene), leading to partialmonosomy . There may be unbalanced translocations (ie 17q:17p or 12q:17p), or the presence of aring chromosome 17.Diagnosis
The disease may be diagnosed by cytogenetic techniques, testing for a
microdeletion at LIS1.cite journal |author=Izumi K, Kuratsuji G, Ikeda K, Takahashi T, Kosaki K |title=Partial deletion of LIS1: a pitfall in molecular diagnosis of Miller-Dieker syndrome |journal=Pediatr. Neurol. |volume=36 |issue=4 |pages=258–60 |year=2007 |pmid=17437911 |doi=10.1016/j.pediatrneurol.2006.11.015]Eponym
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