Karl Eusebius of Liechtenstein

Karl Eusebius of Liechtenstein

Karl Eusebius, Prince of Liechtenstein (12 September 1611 – 5 April 1684) was the second Prince of Liechtenstein. He inherited this title in 1627 from his father Karl I. He was 16 and thus considered underage and his uncles Prince Gundakar and Maximillian acted as regents until 1632. From 1639 to 1641 Karl was Chief Captain of High and Low Silesia.

After the Thirty Years' War Karl did a meritous job of economically restoring his dominions. Karl was also an extensive patron of architecture of the period.

Marriage and Issue

Karl married Johanna Beatrix von Dietrichstein (c. 1625 - 26 March 1676) on August 4, 1644. They had nine children;

*Eleonora Maria (1647-7 August 1704)
*Anna Maria (1648-1654)
*Maria Theresia (1649-1716)
*Johanna Beatrix (1650-1672); Married Maximilian II of Liechtenstein
*Franz Dominik (b. and d. 1652)
*Karl Josef (b. and d. 1653)
*Franz Eusebius (1654-1655)
*Cecilia (b. and d. 1655)
*Johann Adam (known as Hans-Adam I) (1662-1712)

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