Red Guard Party (United States)

Red Guard Party (United States)

party_name= Red Guard Party
foundation= 1967
headquarters= San Francisco, California
ideology= Maoism & Chinese nationalism

The Red Guards were a Chinese American civil rights group active during the late 1960s and early 1970s. The movement drew inspiration from a variety of sources including the Boxer Rebellion, the Red Guards in China, and the Black Panthers. The I Wor Kuen were a similar group operating in New York City modeled after the Boxers, who later merged with the California based Red Guards. The I Wor Kuen would later form the political front for the Red Guard Party as the more militant elements went underground. The Black Panther Party's official newspaper had this to say about the Red Guards:

"San Francisco’s Red Guard was patterned closely after the Black PantherParty. In 1969, the federal government wanted to shut down a Tuberculosistesting center located in San Francisco’s Chinese community. At the time,Chinatown had the highest TB rate in the country. The young Asians in theRed Guard organized the community and staged successful protestdemonstrations to keep that TB testing center open. Through these protestsand the programs that the Red Guard initiated, Chinatown’s citizens wereenlightened and became open to more progressive politics.In 1970, members of the Red Guard were part of a delegation that wasinvited to join Eldridge Cleaver and they accompanied him in a visit toChina, North Korea, and North Vietnam. After about two and a half years,due to political and police repression, such as office raids, arrests withoutwarrants, false arrest, and armed stand-offs with police, the organizationcollapsed."



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