- Green House (Hong Kong)
Green House is a block of 10 tenement houses located in 1-11,
Mallory Street and 6-12Burrows Street ,Wan Chai ,Hong Kong . It is named from the green colour painted on the external walls of the building. It is one of the few remaining "tong-lau" of the balcony type in Hong Kong. Because of the historic significance, the houses are listed as Grade II historic buildings. [ [http://www.amo.gov.hk/form/historical.pdf List of Graded Historic Buildings in Hong Kong (as at 6 Jan 2007)] ]Historic Background
The lot where the tenement house now standing was first owned by the American firm of Messrs Burrows and Sons. Later, it was owned by Lawrence Mallory. Timber yard and boat building yard had been occupied the site; later on it was occupied by warehouses, timber and coal storage and several other small industries. [http://www.ura.org.hk/html/c804000e2e.html Revitalisation Projects:Mallory Street/Burrows Street Project] ]
Around 1905, Hong Kong Land Investment Company possessed the area; in the mid 1920s, the company turned the lot into 10 tenement houses in mid 1920s. [http://www.ura.org.hk/html/c804000e2e.html Revitalisation Projects:Mallory Street/Burrows Street Project] ]
External links
* [http://www.ura.org.hk/html/c804000e2e.html Revitalisation Projects: Mallory Street/Burrows Street Project]
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