Christopher Cavanaugh

Christopher Cavanaugh

Chris Cavanaugh (born July 1, 1962) is a retired freestyle swimmer from the United States, who twice broke the world record in the 50 m freestyle in 1980. He was a gold medalist in the 4x100m Freestyle Relay at the 1984 Summer Olympics, and was also a member of the U.S. Olympic team in 1980 when it boycotted the Moscow Games.

During his seven-year stint with the U.S. National Swim Team, Cavanaugh was a finalist at the 1982 World Championships, the 1983 Pan American Games, and numerous USS National Competitions. He was also a twenty-two time All-American at the University of Southern California, where he graduated in 1986 with a degree in industrial and systems engineering. He now coaches Masters, USS, and club swimmers at all levels while residing in Santa Monica, California.


* [ Swimm Across America]
Footer Olympic Champions 4x100 m Freestyle Relay Men

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