Franz Joseph Emil Fischer
- Franz Joseph Emil Fischer
Franz Joseph Emil Fischer (Born 19 March 1877 in Freiburg im Breisgau; Died 1 December 1947 in Munich) was a German chemist. With Hans Tropsch he discovered the Fischer-Tropsch process.
Together with Hans Schrader, he developed the Fischer Assay, a standardized laboratory test for determining the oil yield from oil shale to be expected from a conventional oil shale extraction.[Cite paper]
last=Heistand|first=Robert N.
title= The Fischer Assay, standard method?
publisher=Symposium on oil shale, tar sands, and related materials — production and utilization of synfuels
location = San Francisco
accessdate=2008-08-18] He worked with both Wilhelm Ostwald and Emil Fischer. [ [ Chemist biographies] ] In 1913 he became Director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Coal Research.
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Franz Joseph Emil Fischer — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Franz Joseph Emil Fischer Nacimiento 19 de marzo de 1877 Friburgo de Brisgovia, Alemania Fallecimiento 1 de diciembre de 1947 … Wikipedia Español
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Franz Fischer (Chemiker) — Franz Joseph Emil Fischer (* 19. März 1877 in Freiburg im Breisgau; † 1. Dezember 1947 in München) war ein deutscher Chemiker. Mit Hans Tropsch entwickelte er 1925 die Fischer Tropsch Synthese zur künstlichen Herstellung von Treibstoffen. Nach… … Deutsch Wikipedia
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Joseph Fischer — may refer to:* Franz Joseph Emil Fischer (1877 1947), German chemist * Joseph Emanuel Fischer von Erlach (1693 1742), Austrian architect * Joseph Martin Fischer (born 1948), German politician * Josef E. Fischer, professor * Josef Fischer… … Wikipedia
Franz Fischer — may refer to: * Franz Fischer (musician) (1849–1918), cellist and Hofkapellmeister in München * Franz Joseph Emil Fischer (1877–1948), chemist, famous for Fischer Tropsch processee also*Franciszek Fiszer (or Franc Fiszer, 1860–1937), Polish bon… … Wikipedia
Fischer Assay — is a standardized laboratory test for determining the oil yield from oil shale to be expected from a conventional oil shale extraction. A 100 gram oil shale sample crushed to … Wikipedia
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Fischer — Angler; Petrijünger (umgangssprachlich) * * * Fi|scher [ fɪʃɐ], der; s, : Person, deren Beruf das Fangen von Fischen ist: die Fischer fahren mit ihren Booten aufs Meer hinaus. Syn.: ↑ Angler. Zus.: Küstenfischer, Muschelfischer. * * * Fị|scher… … Universal-Lexikon