- Quantum Fourier transform
The quantum Fourier transform is the
discrete Fourier transform with a particular decomposition into a product of simpler unitary matrices. Using this decomposition, the discrete Fourier transform can be implemented as aquantum circuit consisting ofHadamard gate s and controlledphase shift gate s.The quantum Fourier transform has many applications in quantum
algorithm s as it provides the theoretical basis to the "phase estimation" procedure. This procedure is the key to quantum algorithms such as Shor's algorithm for factoring a number, the "order finding" algorithm and the "hidden subgroup" problem.Details
"l"2(Z/("N")) is the
Hilbert space of complex-valued functions on Z/"N" with the inner product:langle psi | phi angle = sum_{k in mathbb{Z}/(N)} overline{psi(k)} phi(k)
Recall that the discrete Fourier transform is a unitary mapping
: ell^2(mathbb{Z}/(N)) ightarrow ell^2(mathbb{Z}/(N)).
given as follows. Let
:0 angle, ldots, |N-1 angle,
be an
orthonormal basis for "l"2(Z/("N")). The discrete Fourier transform on that basis is a linear operator with the following action on the basis states::j angle mapsto frac{1}{sqrt{Nsum_{k=0}^{N-1} e^{2 pi i jk/N}|k angle
Alternatively, we can express this operator by the square matrix of size "N" whose entries are
:frac{1}{sqrt{N egin{bmatrix} omega^{k ell} end{bmatrix}, quad omega = e^{2 pi i /N}
The unitarity of this mapping can be checked directly.
The main point of the quantum Fourier transform is that in case "N" is a power of 2, this operator can be represented as a product. Suppose "N" = 2"n". We have the orthonormal basis for "l"2(Z/("N")) consisting of the ket vectors indexed as follows
:0 angle, ldots , |2^n - 1 angle.
Each basis state index can be represented in binary form
:x angle = | x_1, x_2, ldots, x_n angle = | x_1 angle otimes | x_2 angle otimes cdots otimes | x_n angle
:x = x_1 2^{n-1} + x_2 2^{n-2} +cdots + x_n 2^0.quad
In the language of
quantum computation , these are referred to as "computational basis states". (Eachqubit , the basic unit of quantum information, resides in a two-dimensional Hilbert space and these basis states span the state space of a "n"-qubit composite system.)We associate to such an integer "x" in the interval {0,1, ..., 2"N" - 1} the rational number in the interval [0,1] whose binary representation is
:x_1 ldots x_n] = sum_{k = 1}^n x_k 2^{-k} quad
Dot means::frac{x_1}{2} ightarrow (.x_1):frac{x_1}{2}+frac{x_2}{2^2} ightarrow (.x_1 x_2):frac{x_1}{2}+frac{x_2}{2^2}+frac{x_3}{2^3} ightarrow (.x_1 x_2 x_3):
Theorem. The discrete Fourier transform on the computational basis states has the following structure:It maps the computational basis state
:x_1, x_2, ldots, x_n angle
into the
tensor product :2^{-frac{n}{2 left(|0 angle + e^{2 pi i , [.x_n] }|1 angle ight) otimes left(|0 angle + e^{2 pi i , [.x_{n-1} x_n] }|1 angle ight) otimes cdots otimes left(|0 angle + e^{2 pi i , [.x_1 x_2 ldots x_n] }|1 angle ight).
In other words, the discrete Fourier transform, an operation on "n"-qubits, can factored into the tensor product of "n" single-qubit operations, suggesting it is easily represented as a
quantum circuit .References
* Michael A. Nielsen and Isaac L. Chuang, "Quantum Computation and Quantum Information" (Cambridge, UK, 2000)
K. R. Parthasarathy , "Lectures on Quantum Computation and Quantum Error Correcting Codes" (Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi Center, June 2001)* John Preskill, "Lecture Notes for Physics 229: Quantum Information and Computation" (CIT, September 1998)
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