- List of Book of Mormon places
This list is intended as a quick reference for locations mentioned in "
The Book of Mormon ".A
* City of Aaron, Alma's planned destination after rejection in Ammonihah
* Ablom, Refuge for Omer and his Family
* Plains of Agosh, Jaredite battle area
* Aiath, Also known as Ai, possibly Et-Tell
* Wilderness of Akish, Jaredite Refuge and Battle Area
* Valley of Alma, Rest stop for Alma and his Followers
* City of Ammonihah, Wicked Nephite City, 'Desolation of Nehors'
* Hill Amnihu, Site of the Initial Amlicite Strike
* Land of Amulon, Settled by Amulon and priests, between Zarahemla and Nephi
* Anathoth, Levite city near old Jerusalem
* Angola, Retreat for Mormon's Army
* Ani-Anti, Lamanite village visited by Nephite Missionaries
* Land of Antionum, Home of the Zoramites, visited by Nephite Missionaries
*Antiparah , City captured by the Lamanites and Regained by Helaman and Antipus
* Mount Antipas, Gathering place for Lehonti and the peaceful Lamanites
* Land of Antum, Northern Land visited by Mormon and Ammoron
* Arpad, City in Northwest Syria, currently called Tell Rif'at
* Assyria, Hostile Country in western AsiaB
* Babylon, Capital of Babylonia, in southwest Asia
* Bashan, Country east of the Jordan river
* Bethabara, Place on the east bank of the Jordan, where John was baptizing
* Boaz, Nephite retreat and battle ground
* City of Bountiful, Major Nephite city in the northeastern quadrant
* Land of Bountiful1, Area in southern Arabia, near sea
* Land of Bountiful2, Nephite territory north of ZarahemlaC
* Calno, Possibly town near Babylon
* Carchemish, Middle Eastern Land
* Chaldea, Hellenistic designation for a part of Babylonia
* City by the Sea, Nephite city on the west coast
* Hill Comnor, Hill near Valley of Shur
* Land and Valley of Corihor, Military Campground of the Army of Shiz
* City of Cumeni, Nephite city fought for by Helaman
* Hill Cumorah, Meeting place for battle, record depositoryD
* Damascus, Capitol of Syria
* Land of David, Nephite land on the West Coast
* City of Desolation, Northern Nephite City
* Land of Desolation, North of the land BountifulE
* Garden of Eden, Original Home of Adam and Eve
* Edom, Arid region in southwest Israel
* Egypt, Land of Israel's captivity
* Elam, One of the oldest recorded civilizations
* Hill Ephraim, Hill in the Northern RegionF
* Land of First Inheritance, Near the Lehites' original landing point
* City of Gad, City destroyed at the crucifixion
* City of Gadiandi, City destroyed at the crucifixion
* City of Gadiomnah, City destroyed at the crucifixion
* Gallim, Probably in Benjamin, to the north of Jerusalem.
* Geba, Levitical city of Benjamin
* Gebim, Small place north of Jerusalem
* City of Gid, City invaded by Lamanites and used as a prison camp to detain Nephites
* City of Gideon, Suburb of Zarahemla, location of battle, preaching, and other events
* Land and Valley of Gideon, East of river Sidon
* City of Gilgal, City destroyed at the crucifixion
* Valley of Gilgal, Jaredite battle region
* City of Gimgimno, City destroyed at the crucifixion
* Gomorrah, Wicked City of the Old WorldH
* Hagoth, Hagoth's Shipbuilding Site
* Hamath, Syrian city
* Land of Helam, Land inhabited by people of Alma1
* Hermounts, Wilderness on west and north
* Plains of Heshlon, Battlegroud of Coriantum and Shared
* Land of Heth, Land in the Northern Region
* Horeb, Mountains on the Sinai PeninsulaI
* Irreantum, Probably an arm of Indian Ocean off southeastern Arabia
* Land of Ishmael, Portion of land of Nephi
* Israel, The Promised Land of Moses' PeopleJ
* City of Jacob, City destroyed at the crucifixion
* Jacobugath, City of followers of Jacob4
* City and Land of Jashon, Nephite retreat near Ammoron's record burial site
* Land of Jershon, Land on east by sea, south of land Bountiful
* Jerusalem1, Chief city of Jews and surrounding area
* Jerusalem2, Lamanite city and land in land of Nephi
* Jordan River, River in Palestine
* City of Jordan, Nephite retreat maintained by Mormon
* City of Josh, City destroyed at the crucifixion
* Land of Joshua, Land in borders west, by seashore
* Judah, Southern kingdom of Israelites
* City of Judea, Nephite cityK
* City of Kishkumen, Wicked city destroyed at the crucifixion
* Laish, Northernmost town of the Kingdom of Israel
* City of Laman, City destroyed at the crucifixion
* River Laman, River emptying into Red Sea
* Lebanon, Middle Eastern Country
* City of and Land of Lehi1, Land adjoining land of Morianton and containing city of Lehi
* Land of Lehi2, Apparently the entire land south
* City of and Land of Lehi-Nephi, Also called land of Nephi, of which it is a part
* City of Lemuel, Lamanite city
* Valley of Lemuel, Lehite campsite near borders of Red SeaM
* Madmenah, Town in Benjamin, north of Jerusalem
* City of Manti, Chief city in land of Manti
* Hill of Manti, Near city of Zarahemla
* Land of Manti, Most southerly land of Nephites
* Melek, Nephite land west of Sidon
* Michmash, Town of Benjamin east of Bethel
* Middoni, Lamanite land, location of Lamanite prison
* Land of Midian, Lamanite land east of Lehi-Nephi
* Migron, Small place north of Jerusalem
* Minon, Nephite land on west bank of river Sidon
* Moab, Land of the Moabites, Israelite rivals
* City of Mocum, City destroyed at the crucifixion
* Moriancumer, Mesopotamian costal region
* City of and Land of Morianton, Area settled by Morianton2
* Moriantum, Nephite area
* Forest of Mormon, Near waters of Mormon
* Place of Mormon, Region near city of Lehi-Nephi
* Waters of Mormon, Baptismal waters for over 200 Nephites
* Land of Moron, North of the great land of Desolation
* Moroni's Camp, Nephite Military Post
* City of and Land of Moroni, In southeast of Nephite lands
* City of Moronihah, Iniquitous Nephite city
* City of Mulek, Nephite city south of BountifulN
* Nahom, Place in Arabian desert
* Land of Naphtali, Israelite Territory
* Narrow Neck of Land, Isthmus separating the main land from the land Northward
* Nazareth, City of Christ's childhood
* City of Nehor, Battleground for Corihor and Shule
* City of Nephi, City established by Nephi, later occupied by Lamanites, Zeniffites
* Land of Nephi, Land established by Nephi, later occupied by Lamanites, Zeniffites
* City of Nephihah, Nephite refuge captured and lost by the Lamanites
* Plains of Nephihah, Near the city of Nephihah
* Nephite Refuge, Location for Nephite centralization
* Valley of Nimrod, In Mesopotamia
* City and Land of Noah, In land of Zarahemla, near AmmonihahO
* Ogath, Place near hill Ramah
* City of Omner, Nephite city by seashore on east borders
* Onidah, Gathering place for dissatisfied Lamanites
* Hill Onidah, In land of Antionum
* Onihah, City destroyed at the crucifixionP
* Palestina, Middle Eastern Land Neighboring Israel
* Pathros, Location in upper EgyptR
* Hill Ramah, Jaredite name for Hill Cumorah
* Ramath, Assyrian city destroyed by divine decree
* Hill Riplah, East of river Sidon, near land of Manti
* Waters of Ripliancum, Aquatic Region in the Land Northward* Salem, Ancient name for Jerusalem
* Samaria, Middle Eastern Country
* Waters of Sebus, Watering place in land of Ishmael
* Shazer, Lehite rest stop in Arabia
* Shelem, Mountain in Mesopotamia
* City of and Land of Shem2, Nephite land north of Antum and Jashon
* Land of Shemlon, Region bordering on land of Lehi-Nephi
* Sherrizah, Nephite stronghold conquered by Lamanites
* Waters of Shiloah, Pool near Jerusalem1
* City of and Land of Shilom, Small region next to land of Lehi-Nephi
* Hill Shim, Hill in the land Northward
* Shimnilom, City in the Land of Nephi
* Shinar, Ancient name for Mesopotamia
* Valley of Shurr, Coriantumr's base camp
* Land of Sidom, City near Ammonihah where Zeezrom, Alma and Amulek retreat
* Sidon River, Major river flowing through the land of Zarahemla
* Mount Sinai, Mountain where Moses received the Ten Commandments
* Sinim, Distant land, possibly China
* Siron, City near Antionum where Corianton meets Isabel
* Sodom, Wicked City of the Old World
* Syria, Middle Eastern CountryT
* Tarshish, Possibly the city Tarsus
* City of Teancum, By seashore near city of Desolation
* Tower of Babel, Near Original Home of the JareditesZ
* City of Zarahemla, Major capital of Nephites from about 200 B.C. to A.D. 200
* Land of Zarahemla, A general reference to the area near the city of Zarahemla
* Land of Zebulun, Israelite Territory
* City of Zeezrom, Nephite city on southwest frontier
* Mount Zerin, Mountain, Presumably in Mesopotamia
* Zion, City of Godee also
List of Book of Mormon groups
*List of Book of Mormon people
*List of Book of Mormon prophets
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