Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor — Infobox Company company name = Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor company company type = Non governmental organization company slogan = Promote better human rights protection in Hong Kong, both in terms of law and of practical daily life. foundation … Wikipedia
Effect of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake on Hong Kong — The tsunami resulting from the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake killed at least 38 Hong Kong residents in the affected region. As of December 2005, 2 persons (one infant and one child) are still unlocated. OverviewThe 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake was … Wikipedia
Oxfam — Logo Oxfam is an international confederation of 15 organisations working in 98 countries worldwide to find lasting solutions to poverty and related injustice around the world.[1] In all Oxfam’s actions, the ultimate goal is to enable people to… … Wikipedia
Oxfam Australia — is an Australian, independent, not for profit, secular, community based aid and development organisation, and an affiliate of Oxfam International. Oxfam Australia s work includes long term development projects, responding to emergencies and… … Wikipedia
The Scout Association of Hong Kong — Scout Association of Hong Kong Chinese … Wikipedia
Raleigh International Hong Kong — (RIHK) (Chinese: 國際雷利計劃) is an approved charity run by a voluntary committee comprising mainly of ex Venturers. It aims at developing the young people s potentials: improving leadership skills and enhancing self confidence and team spirit.… … Wikipedia
Oxfam Quebec — Oxfam Québec Pour les articles homonymes, voir Oxfam. Oxfam Québec, membre de la coordination Oxfam international est une organisation non gouvernementale dont l’action vise à la sensibilisation de la population aux réalités des pays dits en… … Wikipédia en Français
Oxfam Québec — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Oxfam. Oxfam Québec, membre de la coordination Oxfam international est une organisation non gouvernementale dont l’action vise à la sensibilisation de la population aux réalités des pays dits en développement et… … Wikipédia en Français
Oxfam international — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Oxfam. Oxfam International une confédération composée de 14 organisations indépendantes de même sensibilité qui agissent contre les injustic … Wikipédia en Français
Oxfam International — ▪ international organization Oxfam abbreviation of Oxford Committee for Famine Relief privately funded, international organization that provides relief and development aid to impoverished or disaster stricken communities worldwide. The… … Universalium