Der Yid

Der Yid

Yiddish Jidysz.lebt.svg Journalism

Radio Programs:

Daily news online:

Weekly newspapers:

  • Beleichtungen
  • Maalos
  • Oneg Shabbos
  • Tzeitshrift
  • Shpaktiv
  • Oyfn Shvel
  • Yerushalaymer Almanak
  • Gigulim
  • Toplpunkt
  • Yugntruf
  • Di naye gvardie
  • Dos yidishe kol
  • Yidishe heftn

Hotline broadcasting:
  • Kol Hacharedi
  • Kol Hanayes
  • Kol Mevaser

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Der Yid (Yiddish: דער איד) is a New York based Yiddish language weekly newspaper. The newspaper is published by Satmar Hasidim, but is widely read within the broader Haredi community. It uses a Yiddish dialect common to Satmar Chasidim as opposed to "YIVO Yiddish" which is standard in secular and academic circles.


Der Yid was founded by Dr. Aaron Rosmarin as a fortnightly paper. He was formerly an editor of the Yiddish newspaper Der Morgn-Zhurnal ("The Morning Journal", pronounced "morgin zhurnal"). After the paper was bought out by a rival yiddish newspaper, Der Tog ("The Day"), forming the Tog-Morgn-Zhurnal ("The Day-Morning Journal"), he was laid off from the new company and so he decided to start his own newspaper. Dr. Rosmarin was religiously observant and he used to run columns on the biography of rabbis and Jewish custom during his employment with The Morning Journal. Thus, under his influence Der Yid was considered more amenable to religion than the other major yiddish newspapers of the time. The first editor of Der Yid was the writer Uriel Zimmer, publisher of an anti-Zionist tract.

In 1955, during a Satmar protest at Manhattan Center against the establishment of an Israeli night club in Jerusalem, The Krasna Rav, Rabbi Hillel Lichtenstein publicly tore up a copy of The Morning Journal as a sign of disapproval of its pro-zionist stance, to which Dr. Rosmarin responded with applause. This prompted the sale of Der Yid to activist leaders of the Satmar community, including Sender Deutsch.[1]

The Satmar Rebbe, Rabbi Joel Teitelbaum was the paper's guiding voice, firmly establishing Der Yid as an ultra-orthodox and anti-zionist newspaper. He once approved an appeal for financial contributions to the newspaper on the night of Yom Kippur, as a counterweight to pro-zionist financial appeals that were also commonly held on Yom Kippur.

In 1972, the paper was revamped by Rabbi Chaim Moshe Stauber into a weekly newspaper carrying world news.

It is currently owned by the supporters of Rabbi Zalman Teitelbaum in the current dispute over the succession to the Satmarer leadership. Der Yid which is sold all over the world where Haredi Jews reside has a weekly circulation of 75,000,[citation needed] the largest readership of all yiddish weeklies.


  1. ^ from "Botsina Kadisha" (in Hebrew) volume 2, P. 258, memoirs by Sender Deutsch

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