Alan Sinfield

Alan Sinfield

Alan Sinfield (born 1941) is a British theorist in the fields of Shakespeare and sexuality, modern theater, gender studies, queer theory (queer studies), post 1945 politics and cultural theory. "Literature, Politics and Culture in Postwar Britain" first published in 1989, is a revolutionary socialist interpretation of the postwar cultural settlement and its destruction. He pioneered the Sexual Dissidence programme at the University of Sussex with Jonathan Dollimore (despite parliamentary objection to the course being taught in a UK university from right wing politicians) and continues to teach post-graduate students and research in the field of sexual dissidence at The University of Sussex

Major publications

His many books include
* "Shakespeare, Authority, Sexuality: Unfinished Business in Cultural Materialism "(2006)
* "Literature, Politics and Culture in Postwar Britain" (2004)
* "On Sexuality and Power" (2004)
* "Out on Stage: Lesbian and Gay Theatre in the Twentieth Century "(1999)
* "Gay and After: Gender, Culture and Consumption" (1998)
* "The Wilde Century: Effeminacy, Oscar Wilde and the Queer Moment "(1994)
* "Political Shakespeare: Essays in Cultural Materialism" (1994) (With Jonathan Dollimore)
* "Faultlines: Cultural Materialism and the Politics of Dissident Reading " (1992).

External links

* [ University of Sussex Homepage]

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