

Kelmscott is a small village close to the River Thames in West Oxfordshire, Oxfordshire near the Gloucestershire border.

The small parish church of St.George dates from around 1190, and in the churchyard is the tomb of William Morris, designed by Philip Webb.

Kelmscott Manor

Kelmscott Manor, a Cotswold limestone house dating from around 1570 with a late 17th century wing, was the country home of William Morris from 1871 until his death in 1896. He drew great inspiration from the unspoilt authenticity of the house's architecture and craftsmanship, and its organic relationship with its setting. Kelmscott Manor is now the property of the Society of Antiquaries of London.

Morris renamed his London town house Kelmscott House in honour of Kelmscott when he purchased it in April 1879 and named his private press, which he started in 1891, Kelmscott Press.

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  • kelmscott — ˈke(l)mzkət, ˈkeu̇m , m(p)sk ; mzˌkät, m(p)ˌsk adjective Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: from the Kelmscott Press, publishing firm in Hammersmith, England, from Kelmscott, England, home of William Morris died 1896 English poet and artist,… …   Useful english dictionary

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  • Kelmscott (disambiguation) — Kelmscott may refer to:* Kelmscott, Oxfordshire * Kelmscott, Western Australiaee also* Kelmscott House * Kelmscott Manor * Kelmscott Press * Kelmscott railway station, Perth * Kelmscott School …   Wikipedia

  • Kelmscott Manor — is a limestone house in the Cotswold village of Kelmscott, Oxfordshire, England. It dates from around 1570, with a late 17th century wing, and was the country home of the writer, designer and socialist William Morris from 1871 until his death in… …   Wikipedia

  • Kelmscott House — is a historic building in Hammersmith, the London home of William Morris from April 1879 to his death in October 1896.Originally called The Retreat , Morris renamed it after the Oxfordshire village of Kelmscott where he had lived at Kelmscott… …   Wikipedia

  • Kelmscott Manor — ist ein aus Kalkstein bestehendes Cotswold Haus am Rande der Ortschaft Kelmscott, Oxfordshire/England. Es liegt nahe der Themse und entstand in der Zeit um 1570; im späten 17. Jahrhundert erhielt es einen zusätzlichen Flügel. Von 1871 bis zu… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Kelmscott railway station, Perth — Kelmscott Train Station is a Transperth train station 25.9km from Perth Train Station, in Western Australia, on the Armadale Line. It was one of the original stations operational when the Armadale Line opened in 1889.In early 2006, Kelmscott… …   Wikipedia

  • Kelmscott School — is a secondary state school in Walthamstow, East London, UK. It has roughly 1,000 pupils of 11 16 year olds. It has an ethnic mix comprising of mostly Pakistani, Indian, black Caribbean, black Africans and white Europeans. As such, many pupils… …   Wikipedia

  • Kelmscott Press —   [ kemskət ], eine 1891 von W. Morris in Hammersmith bei London gegründete Druckerei. Bis 1898 wurden dort als Alternative zur zunehmenden Technisierung der Buchproduktion bibliophile Bücher handwerklich hergestellt …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Kelmscott Press — The Nature of Gothic von John Ruskin, gedruckt bei Kelmscott Press. Erste Textseite Die Kelmscott Press war eine englische Privatdruckerei. William Morris (1834 1896) war nicht nur ein bekannter englischer Dichter, Politiker und Designer, sondern …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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